Theses may be embargoed to allow the authors to file patent applications, establish definitive zoological nomenclature, protect proprietary research results, redact sensitive material, or publish creative works.
Prior approval must be obtained from the author's academic department and the Office of Graduate Studies before submission/deposit to this series. Do not deposit here unless you have already been approved for embargo by Graduate Studies; otherwise, deposit in the regular thesis series for your department, program, or college.
Titles, and author names, and abstracts are displayed, but full-text PDF documents cannot be downloaded. For access to materials held here, contact Terri Eastin, Masters Programs Specialist < > or Sue Gardner, Scholarly Communications Librarian < >.
For assistance with deposits contact Sue Gardner.
1. Create or log in to your Digital Commons account
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Fill in your names, email address, create a password, and click on Create Account.
Reply to the confirming email from the system, if you get one (check your spam folder).
Your email address will not be published or shared.
2. Instructions for deposit
You should be able to copy (Ctrl-C) and paste (Ctrl-V) most fields.
TITLE: Fill it in using title case (that is, capitals for the first letter of all words except articles and prepositions).
AUTHOR: In each respective box, enter your names (and/or initials) as they appear on the title page of your dissertation or thesis. You are the sole author; your advisor is not considered a co-author. Institution is University of Nebraska-Lincoln (not "at Lincoln" or ", Lincoln"). Do not leave this field blank.
FIRST ADVISOR: Enter your advisor’s name. Add a second and third, if needed (advisors only, not committee members).
DATE OF THIS VERSION: Month and Year only.
CITATION: Copy and paste the rest of whatever appears on the title page of your work. It usually starts with something like “A THESIS Presented to the Faculty …” and ends with “Lincoln, Nebraska [month] [year].”
COMMENTS: Add Copyright [year], [your full name], like this:
Copyright 2024, Catalina B. López-Hernández
ABSTRACT: Just include the body of the abstract, not the title or your name, but DO add your advisor’s name at the end of the abstract after the word Advisor and a colon, like this: Advisor: ….
Skip the ORCID IDs, Keywords, Disciplines, and Comments fields, and DO NOT check a bubble for the Publication Status field.
Click UPLOAD FILE FROM YOUR COMPUTER. Select the file of your work from your device (should be in Portable Document Format, PDF).
Click the SUBMIT button at the bottom.
YOU DID IT! Your work is submitted!
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching this amazing milestone in your academic career!
3. After your initial deposit
Upon deposit, you will receive an email that your submission has been received; you need to show the Graduate Office this message.
Before we complete your upload, we usually wait a day or two to give you an opportunity to correct those oops issues that seem to emerge just after deposit. Before it’s been posted, you can still log back in and select Revise and upload a new version so you can upload a version with your advisor's name spelled right or whatever else needs to be fixed.
It is important that you DO NOT resubmit another file after it’s been posted online. This causes lots of problems.
But have no fear: If further changes are needed after it’s been posted, you can send a revised file to the series administrator (Sue Gardner) requesting to replace it.
Design and characterization of a "click" chemistry-based electrochemical aptasensor for detection of vascular endothelial growth factor, Cody S. Schaefer Mr
Study of Downlink Scheduling Algorithms for Mac Layer in LTE System, Haonan Shen
Testaments, Paul Strait
Mobile Data Harvesting in Wireless Underground Sensor Networks for Extended Lifetime and Scalability, John Tooker
Incorporating Uncertainties into Building Life Cycle Assessment(LCA) by Using Stochastic Approach, Endong Wang
Modeling the Battery Energy Consumption under Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Xueyi Wang
Let the Games Begin: Using Attention Process Training-3 and Lumosity Brain Games to Remediate Attention Deficits Following ABI, Samantha W. Zickefoose
What We Make of This World, Jennifer Case
The Use of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays to Detect Milk Residues in Thermally Processed Food Products, Melanie L. Downs
Development of an Electrochemical Insulin Sensor Based on a High Affinity DNA Sequence Found in the Insulin-linked Polymorphic Region, Jennifer Y. Gerasimov
Morphological Characterization And Molecular Mediated Genetic Variation Of Thief Ant (Solenopsis molesta Say, Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Ralph B. Narain
A 3-Dimensional Multiscale Finite Element Analysis Of Damage Accumulation in Carbon Fiber Unidirectional Composites., Savio Camara
Multimodal Transit Station, Mark A. Oquist