US Fish & Wildlife Service
Date of this Version
The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) determines the winged mapleleaf mussel (Quodrulo frogoso) to be an endangered species under the authority of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C 1531 et seq.) (Act). Historically, this freshwater mussel occurred extensively in the Mississippi, Tennessee, Ohio, and Cumberland River drainages in the states of Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Kentucky. As a result of land use changes, river alterations and pollution, the winged mapleleaf mussel has been reduced to a single known population located in the St. Croix River between northwestern Wisconsin and east/central Minnesota. Critical habitat is not being proposed.
Published in Federal Register / Vol. 56, No. 119 / Thursday, June 20, 1991 / Rules and Regulations.