English, Department of
Department of English: Faculty Publications
Chaucer’s Complaint to His Purse and Authority in the World, Paul A. Olson
Discourses that Undermine Union Movements: A Multimodal Analysis of Union-Busting Videos, Theresa A. Catalano and Julia Schleck
On Province and Empire in My Ántonia and One of Ours: Cather’s 1922 The Waste Land, Paul A. Olson
Joining a Conversation Research Project, Nicole Green and Deborah Minter
Pedagogical Alliances Among Writing Instructors and Teaching Librarians through a Writing Information Literacy Community of Practice, Zoe McDonald and Deborah Minter
Interpretation and Ovidian Myth in Alexander’s Bridge and O Pioneers!, Paul A. Olson
The Politics of Tools, Stephen Ramsay
Reflections on the Victorian(ist) Impulse to Totalize Africa, Adrian S. Wisnicki
Idiomatic Surrogacy and (Dis)Ability in Dombey and Son, Peter J. Capuano
William Shakespeare’s All Is True, Lord Chamberlain’s “Truth,” and Civil Religion, Paul A. Olson
Teaching Persuasion in Multiple Contexts, Peter J. Capuano
Shakespeare's Henriadic Monarchy and Chaucerian/Elizabethan Religion, Paul Olson
BOOK REVIEWS- Joanna Wharton, Material Enlightenment: Women Writers and the Science of Mind, 1770–1830, Stephen C. Behrendt
Time and the Bibliographer: A Meditation on the Spirit of Book Studies, Matt Cohen
Review of Early Women Filmmakers 1911–1940, Wheeler Winston Dixon
“What do I think of glory?”: On Middlemarch by George Eliot, Beverley Park Rilett
Handling George Eliot’s Fiction, Peter J. Capuano
“This Damned Act”: Walt Whitman and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, Kevin McMullen
Walt Whitman at the Aurora: A Model for Journalistic Attribution, Kevin McMullen and Stefan Schöberlein
Feeling It: Toward Style as Culturally Structured Intuition, Keith Rhodes
The Victorian Body, Peter J. Capuano
Willa Cather on a “New World Novelist”: A Newly-Discovered 1920 Vanity Fair Essay, Melissa J. Homestead
From a distance “You might mistake her for a man”: A closer reading of gender and character action in Jane Eyre, The Law and the Lady, and A Brilliant Woman, Gabrielle Kirilloff, Peter J. Capuano, Julius Fredrick, and Matthew L. Jockers
Review: Architectural Involutions: Writing, Staging, and Building Space, c. 1435–1650. Mimi Yiu., Kelly Stage
“Always Up Against”: A Study of Veteran WPAs and Social Resilience, Shari J. Stenberg and Deborah Minter
The Relevance and Resiliency of the Humanities, Stephen C. Behrendt
Biopolitical Masochism in Marina Abramović’s The Artist Is Present, Jaime Brunton
Melodrama, Masochism, and Biopolitical Encounters in The Fosters, Jaime Brunton
The Composing, Editing, and Publication of Willa Cather’s Obscure Destinies Stories, Melissa J. Homestead
Yet More Cather-Knopf Correspondence, Melissa J. Homestead
Foreword to D.W. Robertson, Jr., Uncollected Essays, Paul A. Olson
George Eliot in Romantic Biofiction, Beverley Rilett
The Role of George Henry Lewes in George Eliot’s Career: A Reconsideration, Beverley Rilett
Palpable Hits: Popular Music Forms and Teaching Early Modern Poetry, Stephen M. Buhler
Nebraska's Wedding Crasher, Jennine Capó Crucet
Buried in Plain Sight: Unearthing Willa Cather’s Allusion to Thomas William Parsons’s “The Sculptor’s Funeral”, Melissa J. Homestead
The Transatlantic Village: The Rise and Fall of the Epistolary Friendship of Catharine Maria Sedgwick and Mary Russell Mitford, Melissa J. Homestead
Willa Cather Editing Sarah Orne Jewett, Melissa J. Homestead
The Ghosts of My Student Years in Northern Cyprus, Chigozie Obioma
Who Should I Write for – Nigerians, Africans, or Everyone?, Chigozie Obioma
George Henry Lewes, the Real Man of Science Behind George Eliot’s Fictional Pedants, Beverley Rilett
Courtly Connections: Anthony Sherley’s Relation of his travels (1613) in a Global Context, Kaya Sahin and Julia Schleck
Courtly Connections: Anthony Sherley’s Relation of his trauels (1613) in a Global Context, Julia Schleck and Kaya Sahin
Networking with Middleton and Jonson: Theater, Law, and Social Documents, Kelly Stage
Review: Shakespeare’s Stage Traffic: Imitation, Borrowing and Competition in Renaissance Theatre. Janet Clare., Kelly Stage
Biopolitical Education: The Edukators and the Politics of the Immanent Outside, Roland K. Vegso and Marco Abel
Taking My Parents to College, Jennine Capó Crucet
American Novelist Catharine Sedgwick Negotiates British Copyright, 1822–57, Melissa J. Homestead
Willa Cather, Sarah Orne Jewett, and the Historiography of Lesbian Sexuality, Melissa J. Homestead
The Audacity of Prose, Chigozie Obioma
The Road to the Country, Chigozie Obioma
Teaching Attentive Reading and Motivated Writing through Digital Editing, Amanda A. Gailey
“The Other One”: An Unpublished Chapter of Sarah Orne Jewett’s The Country of the Pointed Firs, Melissa J. Homestead and Terry Heller
Walt Whitman and Civil War Washington, Kenneth M. Price
Victorian Sexual Politics and the Unsettling Case of George Eliot’s Response to Walt Whitman, Beverley Rilett
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Gregory E. Rutledge
Veiled Movements in The Vale of Esthwaite, Jack Vespa
Networked Manufacture in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley, Peter J. Capuano
Willa Cather, Edith Lewis, and Collaboration: The Southwestern Novels of the 1920s and Beyond, Melissa J. Homestead
A Matter of Scale, Matthew L. Jockers and Julia Flanders
Introduction to The Naked Communist: Cold War Modernism and the Politics of Popular Culture, Roland K. Végső
Stalin’s Boots and the March of History (Post-Communist Memories), Roland K. Végső
The Aesthetic Unconscious, Roland K. Végső
Review of Janine Barchas, Matters of Fact in Jane Austen: History, Location, and Celebrity, Laura White
On Sir Charles Bell’s The Hand, 1833, Peter J. Capuano
Cold War Legacies in Digital Editing, Amanda A. Gailey
Introduction, Subsidiary Developments in Georges Bataille: Phenomenology and Phantasmatology (Stanford University Press, 2012), Rodolphe Gasché and Roland K. Végső
From Periodical to Book in Her Early Career: E. D. E. N. Southworth’s Letters to Abraham Hart, Melissa J. Homestead
The shape of Catharine Sedgwick's career, Melissa J. Homestead
A Chronological Bibliography of E. D. E. N. Southworth's Works Privileging Periodical Publication, Melissa J. Homestead and Vicki L. Martin
Introduction to E. D. E. N. Southworth: Recovering a Nineteenth-Century Popular Novelist, Melissa J. Homestead and Pamela T. Washington
Significant Themes in 19th-Century Literature, Matthew L. Jockers and David Mimno
"The Borders between Us": Loren Eiseley's Ecopoetics, Thomas Lynch
Introduction to Artifacts & Illuminations: Critical Essays on Loren Eisley, Thomas Lynch and Susan M. Maher
The Parapraxis of Translation, Roland K. Végső
Uncle Tom’s Cabin in The National Era: Commentary on Chapter 1 and 2, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: Associated Sunday Magazines and the Origins of Every Week, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: Associated Sunday Magazines and the Origins of Every Week, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: Every Week’s Demise, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: Every Week’s Editorial Staff, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: Interpretive Possibilities, Melissa J. Homestead
Every Week Essays: The Contents of Every Week, Melissa J. Homestead
Introduction: A TALE OF OUR OWN TIMES, Melissa J. Homestead
Introduction to Willa Cather and Modern Cultures [Cather Studies 9], Melissa J. Homestead
Willa Cather [from Blackwell Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century American Fiction], Melissa J. Homestead
Fishermen, Chigozie Obioma
Handling The Perceptual Politics of Identity in Great Expectations, Peter J. Capuano
Did a Woman Write “The Great American Novel”? Judging Women’s Fiction in the Nineteenth Century and Today, Melissa J. Homestead
Edith Lewis as Editor, Every Week Magazine, and the Contexts of Cather's Fiction, Melissa J. Homestead
Review of Louise Pound: Scholar, Athlete, Feminist Pioneer and Louise Pound: The 19th Century Iconoclast Who Forever Changed America's Views about Women, Academics and Sports, Melissa J. Homestead
Susanna Rowson’s Transatlantic Career, Melissa J. Homestead and Camryn Hansen
Review of Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections: Literature, Culture, and Food among the Early Moderns by Robert Appelbaum, Elizabeth Spiller
Affirmative Judgments: The Sabbath of Deconstruction, Roland K. Végső
The Mother Tongues of Modernity: Modernism, Transnationalism, Translation, Roland K. Végső
Middlebrow Readers and Pioneer Heroines: Willa Cather’s My Ántonia, Bess Streeter Aldrich’s A Lantern in Her Hand, and the Popular Fiction Market, Melissa J. Homestead
Review of Axes: Willa Cather and William Faulkner and Violence, the Arts, and Willa Cather, Melissa J. Homestead
Review of Kate Field: The Many Lives of a Nineteenth-Century American Journalist and Maria Mitchell and the Sexing of Science: An Astronomer among the American Romantics, Melissa J. Homestead
Edition, Project, Database, Archive, Thematic Research Collection: What's in a Name?, Kenneth M. Price
Shakespeare and the Making of Early Modern Science: Resituating Prospero's Art, Elizabeth Spiller