"Counting Butterflies in Yosemite: A guide for beginners" by Christine Melvin

Entomology, Department of


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Master of Science Degree Project, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2022.


Copyright © 2022 Christine Melvin


Entomology is the study of insects. Insects are the most numerous animal group on the planet and therefore the field of entomology is further divided based upon insect groups. Butterflies and Moths belong to the insect group Lepidoptera. An entomologist who studies butterflies and/or moths is called a Lepidopterist. Butterflies are a special group of insects because they are not only studied by entomologists, but they are also studied by people called citizen scientists. Citizen science is the casual participation in gathering of data about anything relating to science. Anyone who uses the app iNaturalist is a citizen scientist because they are contributing data about the location and time of year for the observations of plants and animals they share. The data contributions from citizen scientists have been important for many professionals, especially those with restricted resources. This guide is for citizen scientists of all ages. Their passion to learn more about the world around them is invaluable to the scientific community.

Introduction 4 What is a Butterfly? 5 What do Butterflies do? 6 North American Butterfly Counts 8 Guide to the Butterfly Groups 9 Butterfly Terms 10 The Yosemite Butterfly Count 28 What to bring 28 A Special Place to Seek Butterflies 29 Checklist of Yosemite Butterflies 30 Helpful Resources 34 Bibliography 35

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