Entomology, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



Lincoln, Nebraska 1894


This book has been prepared for the purpose of partially supplying a demand that seems to exist here in the West for an elementary work on entomology such as can be used in the public schools and on the farm. It is not an original production, but comprises notes from many sources as they have been gathered by the writer and presented from time to time in talks to his classes in the University of Nebraska and before audiences at farmers' institutes throughout the state. The chapters on remedies and on apple and small grain insects have been compiled and rearranged from the writings of such eminent economic entcmoligists as Professors C. V. Riley, A. S. Forbes, L. O. Howard, J. H. Comstock. J. A. Lintner, Herbert Osborn, Otto Lugger, C. M. Weed, H. E. Weed, H. Garman, C. P. Gillett, F. M. Webster, Chancellor F. H. Snow, and a number of other.s. The illustrations also have, in most instances, been obtained from the same sources and are credited to their authors. The first part of this book is practically the same as his report for 1893 as entomologist to the State Board of Agriculture. The appendix on the insect enemies of the apple tree and its fruit was printed in the Horticultural Society's report for the year 1894. The paper on insect enemies of small grains was contained in last year's Agricultural report, and is reproduced here so as to bring together under one cover accounts of as many of our common injurious insects as can conveniently be done at this time without adding anything to the cost of the book. It is hoped by the writer that the work will meet with the approval of those for whom it was intended. If this proves true, he will feel amply repaid for the time spent in its preparation.

The study of insects, or entomology, as the subject is more frequently called, is becoming more and more essential each succeeding year as the country grows older and the injuries caused by these creatures increase. The old-time feeling of contempt for all creeping things has gradually died away, so that at present it is seldom entertained by any but the most ignorant. So great has been the change in this respect that even the individual who " stoops so low " as to make a special study of " bugs " is allowed to mingle with " sane " people upon an equal footing. True, he must still frequently submit to a little good-natured jeering by those of higher ambitions with whom he may venture to associate. All this indicates a rapid advance for the science, as well as for its votaries, in the eyes of the public.

From the standpoint of the teacher, no other subject of natural history offers as great advantages for aiding the development of the powers of observation in children as does entomology. The vast amount and at the same time varied material that is always at hand in every region and clime renders the subject of great importance for this feature alone.

Although a very important study to the agriculturist at least, Entomology is still in its infancy as a distinct branch of natural history when compared with Botany or Ornithology. In fact it has been so little taught in our colleges even that we are practically without suitable text-books on the subject. It is true that a number of publications have appeared within the past ten or twelve years that in part fulfill the needs of the would-be student of insects. These, however, are the productions of systematists and not of teachers, and consequently contain such an array of technical or "scientific" names as to discourage at the outset most of the aspiring students in insect lore. The result is practically the opposite of what was intended when these books were prepared and presented to the student world.
