Entomology, Department of


Protection for the Birds

Document Type


Date of this Version



March 5, 1899. Omaha Sunday World-Herald 34(156): 17.


Transcriptions and editing copyright © 2004 James E. Ducey and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. All rights reserved. Files may not be copied or redistributed without permission. Electronic Text Center University of Nebraska Libraries


Professor Bruner Explains Why it Should be Given.

Render Man a Great Service in Destroying the Insects Which Feed upon Growing Crops.

The Birds Alone Destroy 1,000,000 Insects of Injurious Species During a Single Growing Season.

Prof. Lawrence Bruner, instructor in entomology, ornithology, etc., of the University of Nebraska, and one of the foremost authorities in this country, has issued the following special bulletin containing a plea for the protection of the birds of this section:

The fact that insect depredations are increasing in extent each succeeding year makes it plain to use that something must be done to prevent it, and that quickly. We have found to our sorrow that although we are continually making increased efforts to destroy these pests, our efforts avail but little and the destruction of our crops goes on. What, then is to be done? How can we be released from this ever increasing struggle for existence?

The answer is plain. Heed the advice of the naturalist who has made a study of the life histories of the various other living creatures in the world about us. Do not condemn what he says without at least examining into it a little.

In his desire for bird protection the naturalist is not prompted by sentiment alone-far from it! Although from the sentimental standpoint solely the friend of birds would have sufficient grounds for making such a request.
