Entomology, Department of


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Date of this Version



Crop Science 1994 34:315-316, doi:10.2135/cropsci1994.0011183X003400010084x


Copyright 1994. Used by permission.


Eight genes for resistance to Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), were transferred individually by backcrossing and selfing into 'Newton' (Cl 17715) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a commercial hard red winter cultivar susceptible to all Hessian fly biotypes to which it has been tested. The eight germplasm lines (Table 1) were developed by the Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the USDAARS, with release in 1993. Newton is the source of the cytoplasm of the germplasm lines. Newton has a moderate level of winterhardiness suitable for commercial production in Kansas. The germplasm lines have not been tested adequately for level of winterhardiness, but survived two winters during seed increase at Lafayette, IN.

The resistance source parental lines (Table 1) include the cultivars 'Lamed' (Cl 17650), 'Arthur 71' (Cl 15282), 'Knox 62' (Cl 13701), and 'Luso'; the germplasm line Ella (Cl 17938); and Purdue University-developed lines IN 76529 and IN 916. The final line, with resistance from H13, was obtained from the Wheat Genetics Resource Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. The H13 resistance is derived from KU 2076, Triticum tauschii (Coss.) Schmal., via a synthetic hybrid KU 221-19 developed at Kyoto University, Japan (1). The sources of the resistance genes described here have been recently published (2).

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