Entomology, Department of


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Date of this Version



Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, 1906.

No. 1461.--From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XXX, pages 613-694, with Plates XXXVI-XXXVIII


Public domain


The present paper is based primarily on the extensive collection obtained from Mr. W. T. Foster, of Sapucay, Paraguay, and now belonging to the United States National Museum. In addition, the writer hns personally collected in that country, besides having purchased several small collections from that section of South America. To inake the paper as complete as possible, Giglio-Tos's papers have been consulted, and all the forms not represented in the collections studied have been included.

Among the specimens illustrated are:

Cephalocoema costulata Burmeister

Stirapleura variabilis Bruner

Sinipta dalmani Stal

Euplectrotettix conspersus Bruner

Dichroatettix viridifrons Bruner

Parorphula graminea Bruner

Plectrotettix pictus Bruner

Elaeochlora viridicata Serville

Dichroplus elongatus Giglio-Tos

Graea horrida Phililppi

Zoniopoda tarsata Serville

Zoniopoda omnicolor Blanchard

Schistocerca paranensis Burmeister

Paradichroplus brunneri Giglio-Tos

Diponthus communis Bruner

Tropinotus laevipes Stal

Spathalium hispidum Bruner

Leptysmina pallida Giglio-Tos

Chromacris stolli Pictet and Saussure

Dichroplus punctulatus Thunberg

Ossa viridis Giglio-Tos

Atrachelacris unicolor Giglio-Tos

Aleuas lineatus Stal

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