"Effects of Food, Temperature, and Oviposition Site on Longevity and Fe" by K. P. Pruess

Entomology, Department of


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Date of this Version



Journal of Economic Entomology 56:2 (April 1963), pp. 219–221.

doi: 10.1093/jee/56.2.219


Copyright © 1963 Entomological Society of America; published by Oxford University Press. Used by permission.


Longevity of the army cutworm, Chorizagrotis auxiliaris (Grote), following mating was inversely related to temperature. Females lived longer than males at all temperatures, and food increased longevity of both sexes. Oviposition occurred at 70° and 55° but not at 32° F. None of the variables tested affected total fecundity but oviposition was completed sooner at 70° than at 55°, in sand as an oviposition site vs. paper toweling and by unfed than by fed moths. Starvation preceding oviposition did not affect fecundity but speeded completion of oviposition when moths were returned to favorable conditions.

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