Entomology, Department of


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E. A. Heinrichs. 2006. Ecologically-based participatory IPM in a global context: the IPM CRSP model. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 24 (2): 182-184.


Arab J. Pl. Prot. is an open access journal.


The IPM CRSP develops and implements approaches to IPM that help raise the standard of living and improve the environment in countries around the world. The IPM CRSP model is based on (1) participatory IPM, (2) networking, (3) capacity/institution building, (4) res~h and. technology development and (5) technology ·transfer. Regional programs in Central Asia, East Africa, West Africa, Latin American/Caribbean, Eastern Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia address problems of a specific region and the global themes, invasive species, information technology and databases, regional diagnostic laboratories, insect transmitted viruses, and impact assessments deal with universal issues. Major crop emphasis is on vegetables and fruits.

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