Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program
Date of this Version
Spring 5-2013
Document Type
The purpose of this study is to look at how incoming ultraviolet rays might have an impact on skin cancer occurrences for the country of New Zealand. Looking at the atmospheric conditions and assessing how it can be related to areas like public health, can show how interconnected the environment can be with the welfare of human beings. If such connections can be made, relationships between melanoma toward UV and ozone can show how effective the Montreal protocol was in prohibiting the emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). According to Chemistry Climate Model Projections, if it weren’t for the Montreal protocol 67% of the ozone would be lost by 2065. (Bodeker, 2007)1 The depletion of the ozone can show how humans are capable of changing the atmosphere. Before addressing the thesis approach, it will be best to describe the background of the ozone, how it connects to the southern hemisphere, the incidence rates of melanoma, and defining melanoma.