"Religion and Environmental Worldviews" by Stephanie Emodi and Madison Hergenrader

Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program


Date of this Version

Fall 2014

Document Type



Environmental Studies Undergraduate Student Thesis, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2015


Copyright © Stephanie Emodi and Madison Hergenrader


This study examined religions role in forming an environmental worldview. It was hypothesized that the more religious one is the more anthropocentric their worldview would be. It is imperative to find what influences values so steps can be made to promote pro environmental behavior. If religion is found to influence one’s behavior and worldview, the social structure of religion could be a possible avenue for encouraging an ecocentric worldview. A survey was conducted and dispersed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, targeting college-aged students. It was found that although religion does influence behavior, it cannot be concluded that religion influences environmental worldviews.
