Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conferences


Date of this Version

September 1985

Document Type



This is the complete volume in one PDF file.


The papers and abstracts of the proceedings were reproduced from camera-ready materials provided by the authors. The quality of the published proceedings is a credit to the authors, who followed editorial directions very well and who painstakingly reviewed their papers. The proceedings contains only papers and abstracts submitted for publication; in a few instances authors did not provide papers or sent only an abstract, which would permit publication of their work in professional journals. Funds to support the publication were provided by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, USDA Extension Service, USDA Forest Service and USDI Fish and Wildlife Service.

The proceedings does not include a very significant workshop on coyote control techniques presented Monday evening, September 23. The program was moderated admirably by Gary Simmons, US Fish and Wildlife Service,, Presentors were F. Robert Henderson, Kansas State University and Dr. Guy Connolly, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. The conference committee particularly thanks Dr. Connolly who filled in at the last minute for Dr. Bart W. O'Gara, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, who could not make it to the meeting. P.T.B.
