Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conferences


Date of this Version

October 1987

Document Type



Nonpredatory mammal damage probably exceeds one-half billion dollars each year in the U.S., in spite of many techniques and programs for controlling such losses. Improved and new control methods are obviously needed. The task of ADC researchers has become increasingly demanding and complex, however. They must not only obtain information to satisfy recurring Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data call-ins required to maintain and improve existing State and Federal rodenticide registrations, but must develop and register new damage control techniques and strategies. New methods must be highly efficacious, safe, cost effective, and present the lowest possible hazard to non-target species and to the environment if EPA registrations are to be obtained.

The maintenance of existing Federal registrations can be a lengthy process and very costly. Reregistering strychnine could cost several million dollars if tolerances are needed, and data acquisition will require a number of years. New registrations would require additional resources.

For significant advances in animal damage control to be made, greater emphasis must be placed on learning about the behavior and physiology of problem animals so there would be opportunity to identify behavioral and/or physiological characteristics that could be exploited for new control techniques.
