Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conferences


Date of this Version

October 1993

Document Type



A trapping study in 1979 indicated that voles (Microtus pinetorum and M. pinetorum) were distributed widely in North Carolina. In 1991, Extension Agents with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service were surveyed to determine the distribution, nature and severity of vole damage to horticultural plantings, home orchards, and other plantings. Data from the statewide trapping survey and the poll of agents coincided to indicate that voles, particularly pine voles, caused damage from the mountains to the coast. Existing, legal control methods were judged grossly inadequate by agents. Pursuant to the surveys, the North Carolina Pesticide Board and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission were petitioned to approve changes in the North Carolina Administrative Code to reclassify voles as pests in horticultural plantings. The rule change, published on March 3, 1993, permitted use of non-restricted rodenticides to control voles. The product recommended was Rozol Parrafinized Pellets. Extension Agents enthusiastically welcomed the change. An extension publication for home horticulturalists on controlling vole damage is in preparation.
