Extension Wildlife & Fisheries Specialists Conferences


Date of this Version

June 1996

Document Type



Published in W. Daniel Edge, ed. Proceedings of the 8th National Extension Wildlife and Fisheries Specialists Workshop: Educational Challenges for the 21st Century. [1996] Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University, 1998.


The charge to the panel was really in the form of a question: What do customers and cooperators expect and what are the future opportunities for fish and wildlife extension programs?

It's a pretty risky subject. Each state is different; each has different problems and opportunities. And, most of the practitioners—those who know most about it— are here in this audience.

Pete Petoskey and Jim Miller have already presented some historical background and a perspective for the future. And, the fact of these workshops and a glance at the program is clear evidence of the progress being made. The professionalism, the wide range of subjects, and the attendance are most impressive. It is a privilege to be a participant. In the early '60s a few of us could get together once a year for a half day—or less—in connection with the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Quite a difference!
