Extension, Cooperative
Date of this Version
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A variety of insects can damage potatoes in Nebraska. Insects may feed directly on the tubers and damage the harvestable crop, or they may indirectly damage the crop by feeding on leaves or stems. If severe enough, indirect damage may reduce harvestable yield and quality. Insect feeding also may be important because some insects (e.g., aphids) may transmit plant diseases such as viruses when they feed, or others (e.g., psyllids) may inject toxins. This publication reviews the identification, biology, and management of common insect pests of potatoes in Nebraska. The basis for a successful integrated pest management (IPM) program for potatoes if regular monitoring of the crop. Pest managers should develop a plan to monitor for the major pests and be on the alert for other potential insect pests.
© 2002, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.