Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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© 1956, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


Great variations in morphological characteristics and in ability to survive heat and drought are observable among the hundreds of varieties and thousands of clones used in modern potato breeding programs.

The experimental work reported herein was planned to determine:

  1. The extent and nature of the changes in the relative turgidity (R.T.) of leaves of the potato plant during the diurnal cycle.
  2. The extent to which R.T. of potato leaves is influenced by atmospheric conditions, soil moisture, variety and age of plants.
  3. The extent to which visible evidence of water shortage in leaves is indicative of water loss from them as revealed by R.T. and the extent to which this relationship varies with different varieties.
  4. The nature of the relationships between morphological characteristics of leaves and stems and the R.T. characteristics of the leaves of various potato plants.
