Extension, Cooperative


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Published: Lincoln : University of Nebraska, Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, 1915
Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Volume XXVII, Article V
Bulletin # 148


The true grasses belong to the one family Poaceae, often called Gramineae, and constitute a very well defined natural group of plants. This family comprises upward of 3,000 species distributed among almost 300 genera. From the economic point of view the family is of supreme importance thru the fact that here belong the cereals, which supply a large part of the food of man, and the forage grasses which are so important as feed for our domesticated animals.

The genera and species are for the most part separated by artificial characters—a fact which renders their study and identification extremely difficult even for the expert. The experience of the authors has convinced them that much of this difficulty is to be credited to the "keys" found in our common manuals. Theoretically a key is intended to assist one in properly identifying a plant, but actually many of the keys, upon close inspection. are found to contain so many vague and contradictory statements that they can be depended upon only by the expert who, on account of his working knowledge, makes slight use of the keys.

It occurred to the senior author some years ago that an illustrated key might solve many of these difficulties. An accurate illustration conveys a more definite idea of any particular structure and leaves less room for doubt than any number of words. In fact, the serious and annoying inaccuracies of most keys to the grasses became more and more apparent as the work of preparing the illustrations progressed. The authors are fully convinced that illustrated keys of the type here employed will prove useful in many other groups of plants.

The nomenclature here employed is largely that of the seventh edition of Gray's Manual—tho our purpose has not been to insist upon any particular name but to provide means whereby the student can with some certainty attach to any given plant some one name which has been properly authorized.

The present key includes most of the species known to occur in Nebraska, tho a few of minor importance and very restricted distribution have been omitted. There are provided also some data on the economic value of certain of the most important species.

The illustrations for the grass keys have been drawn expressly for this publication. They are derived in part from actual authentic specimens and in part redrawn in modified form from various manuals and monographs. T he authors have made free use of the manuals, monographs. etc., included in the Bibliography and take this opportunity to commend these publications to the attention of all who wish to learn more of our common grasses. It is hoped that the keys here presented will facilitate the study of the grass flora of Nebraska by farmers and students.

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