Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


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Lincoln : University of Nebraska, Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, 1915 Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Volume XXVII, Article IV Bulletin # 147; (North Platte Substation Bulletin #16)


This is the "Limited Edition" long version.


Part I. Wintering brood sows:
Experiment 30. Wintering old brood sows
Table 1.-Wintering old brood sows. Record of four winters 1910-1914
Experiment 31. Wintering young brood sows
Table 2.-Wintering young brood sows. Record of five winters 1909-1914

Part II. Cost of the 50-pound pig
Experiment 32. Pigs from old sows
Table 3.-Cost of feed for producing a 50-pound pig from old sows.
Four years' record-1910-1913
Experiment 33. Pigs from young sows
Table 4.--Cost of feed for producing a 50-pound pig from young sows. Four years' record-1910-1913
Experiment 34. Fall pigs. Costs of fall and spring pigs compared
Table 6.-A comparison of the cost of pigs from old sows and young sows and of spring and fall pigs Old sows vs. young sows. Cost of pigs from old sows and young sows compared

Part III. The cost of growing pigs on alfalfa pasture and grain
Experiment 35. Record of pigs during summer of 1911
Table 6.-Cost of gains on grain and alfalfa pasture. Record of pigs during summer of 1911
Experiment 36. Record of pigs during summer of 1912
Experiment 37. Corn compared with corn and shorts for growing pigs grazing on alfalfa pasture
Table 7.--Cost of gains on grain and alfalfa pasture. Record of pigs during summer of 1912
Experiment 38. Record of pigs during summer of 1913
Table I.-Cost of gains on grain and alfalfa pasture. Record of pigs during summer of 1913
Experiment 39. Dry shelled corn compared with soaked shelled corn for growing pigs on alfalfa pasture
Experiment 40.-Record of gilts on grain and alfalfa pasture during five summers, 1909-1913
Table 9.--Growing gilts on grain and alfalfa pasture. Five years record-1909-1913
Summary of results of growing pigs on alfalfa pasture and grain
Table 10.-Results of feeding pigs grazing on alfalfa pasture, various amounts of grain. Summary of averages of all tests

Part IV. Fattening hogs
Experiment 41. Corn and supplementary feeds for fattening hogs. Winter of 1911-1912
Table 11.--Comparison of corn with corn and supplementary feeds for fattening hogs
Experiment 42. Comparison of corn with corn and supplementary feeds for fattening hogs
Table 12. Comparison of corn with corn and supplementary feeds for fattening hogs
Experiment 43. Wheat and rye compared with corn for fattening hogs with and without alfalfa hay
Table 13.-Comparison of corn, wheat, and rye for fattening hogs. Whole grain compared with ground grain. Average of two tests
Table 14.-Comparison of corn, wheat, and rye for fattening hogs. Whole grain compared with ground grain. Duplicate tests in detail
Experiment 44. Corn and alfalfa compared with corn, shorts, and alfalfa for growing and fattening hogs
Table 15. Comparison of corn and alfalfa with corn, shorts, and alfalfa for growing and fattening hogs
Experiment 45. Alfalfa tea and alfalfa tea grounds in a ration for wintering shoats
Table 16.-The value of alfalfa tea and of alfalfa tea grounds in a winter ration for pigs
Experiment 46. Alfalfa tea and alfalfa tea grounds in a ration for wintering shoats
Table 17.-The value of alfalfa tea and alfalfa tea grounds in a winter ration for pigs
Part V. Summary of averages and annual financial statements
Table 18.-Summary of averages. Corn compared with corn and shorts, corn and barley, corn and emmer, corn and wheat, and corn and tankage

Annual statements
Statement 1.-Pounds of pork produced March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914
Statement 2.-Profit on hogs, considering only cost of feed, from March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914
Statement 3.-Profit on hogs, considering corn worth 60 cents per bushel and hogs $5.90 per 100 pounds, from March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914
Statement 4.-Profit on hogs, considering corn worth 47 cents per bushel and hogs $5.90 per 100 pounds, from March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914
Statement 5.-Interest, depreciation, and upkeep per year for 1911-1912, 1912.1913, 1913-1914
Statement 6.-Pounds of grain eaten per 100 pounds of gain and cost of 100 pounds of gain with corn at various prices; also average selling price of hogs, from March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914
Statement 7.-Total amount of feed eaten by the hogs from March 1 to March 1, 1911-1912, 1912-1913, 1913-1914; also average cost of feed during these Years

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