Extension, Cooperative


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Published: Lincoln : University of Nebraska, Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, 1915 Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska, Volume XXVII, Article VII Bulletin # 150


In recent years considerable interest has been manifest in Nebraska concerning soy beans and cowpeas; and numerous inquiries regarding them have come to the Experiment Station. The cowpea is regarded as a profitable crop chiefly in the cotton states, but has some importance as far north as Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. On the other hand, the soy bean is adapted primarily to the Northern States between the regions best suited for cowpeas in the South and Canada field peas in the North. The Central States in which they are most commonly grown are Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, and they have been recommended for Kansas and Missouri. Much has been said of these crops in the States in which they are especially adapted, and the interest in them has spread to Nebraska. Somewhat extensive experimental tests were made at the Nebraska Agricultural Experinlent Station by Dr. T. L. Lyon, now of Cornell University. Included in these tests were nine varieties of soy beans for which yields were determined during the years 1903 and 1904. In 1909 this Station secured seed of eight representative varieties of soy beans from Mr. C. V. Piper of the United States Department of Agriculture. At that time Professor E. G. Montgomery, now of Cornell University, again took up the testing of soy beans, which has been continued since 1911 by the writer, thus giving a continuous record of six years' work in recent years. Cooperative tests also have been made, during the past three years, with farmers of the State. Tho our tests with cowpeas have not been extensive, this crop seems much less deserving of trial than soy beans.

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