Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



EC 80-713


Copyright © 1980 University of Nebraska


A pumping plant performance test can determine the energy efficiency of an irrigation pumping plant and provIde information on adjustments needed to improve energy efficiency. The performance of an irrigation pumping plant should be evaluated by trained personnel using accurate testing equipment. This service can be performed by consulting engineers, by many well drilling companies, and some Natural Resources Districts and Public Power Districts. See your County Extension Agent for more information concerning these services.

A pumping plant test should be performed regardless of the age of your system. Test all new systems so that you can be assured that your unit meets the contract specifications, which should be at least equal to the Nebraska Performance criteria for pumping plants (Table 1). The components must be carefully selected, installed, adjusted and operated to obtain these standard values.

For an existing pumping plant a test can determine:

1. If energy and money can be saved by adjusting, rebuilding, or replacing the existing pump, drive systems, or power unit.

2. If the well is being operated at too great a discharge rate for existing pump and well conditions.
