"G86-811 High Quality Seed Wheat" by Lenis Alton Nelson

Extension, Cooperative


Date of this Version


Document Type



© 1986, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska on behalf of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension. All rights reserved.


This NebGuide discusses high quality winter wheat, the options farmers have in obtaining high quality seed, seed size, year-old seed, seed treatment, and replanting the same seed year after year. Winter wheat uniquely allows the least time between the harvest of one crop and the planting of the next of any annual crop. This short time period may necessitate making a hurried decision about the seed to be planted. In the end, the farmer must be responsible for planting good, high quality seed. The phrase "high quality seed wheat" means different things to different people. High quality wheat seed is not perfect but is a reasonably pure supply of an adapted variety or hybrid which has good germination and viability, and is relatively free of objectionable weed seed, other crop seed, and debris. To meet a farmer's specific needs, wheat seed must adapt to growing conditions, be available in quantities large enough to be useful at an acceptable price.
