"Causal relationships of adolescent aggression: Empathy, prosocial beh" by Young Hi Ha and Carolyn P. Edwards

Child, Youth, and Family Studies, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



Published in Korean Journal of Child Studies, 25(4), 121-132.


In this study of adolescent aggression, the subjects were 320 male and female 7th and 8th grade students in Changwon. Data were collected with questionnaires and analyzed by Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that, 1) low friend support, empathy, and prosocial behavior had direct paths to adolescent overt aggression. 2) Low teacher and friend support, empathy, and prosocial behavior had direct paths to adolescent verbal aggression. 3) Low empathy and self-esteem were indirectly related to adolescent aggression through low prosocial behavior. 4) Low teacher support was indirectly related to adolescent aggression through low empathy and self-esteem. 5) Low friend support was indirectly related to adolescent aggression through low self-esteem.
