Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies

Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings
Date of this Version
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Quail 8: Proceedings of the Eighth National Quail Symposium (July 26-28, 2017 : Knoxville, Tennessee)
Executive Editors: Thomas V. Dailey and Roger D. Applegate
Managing Editor: Kathleen Ingraham
Associate Editors: Roger D. Applegate, Leonard A. Brennan, C. Brad Dabbert, Stephen J. DeMaso, Kenneth R. Duren, Dwayne Elmore, Joseph (TJ) Fontaine, James A. Martin, Mark D. McConnell, Theron M. Terhune, and Christopher K. Williams
Published by: National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, University of Tenneessee, Knoxville, 2017
ISSN 2573-5667
In memoriam: Robert "Bob" J. Robel, 1933-2013
Translocation as a population restoration technique for northern bobwhites: A review and synthesis, James A. Martin, Roger D. Applegate, Thomas V. Dailey, Michelle Downey, Beth Emmerich, Fidel Hernández, Mark M. McConnell, Kelly S. Reyna, Dale Rollins, Rebekah E. Ruzicka, and Theron M. Terhune II
A focused habitat approach for northern bobwhite restoration in Kentucky, John J. Morgan, John M. Yeiser, Danna L. Baxley, Gary Sprandel, Ben A. Robinson, and Keith Wethington
Progress of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, Donald F. McKenzie, John J. Morgan, and Thomas V. Dailey
The initial stages of implementing the Western Quail Management Plan, Casey J. Cardinal and Rey A. Sanchez
Population response of three quail species to habitat restoration in South Texas, Eric D. Grahmann, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, Timothy E. Fulbright, Carter Crouch, Michael W. Hehman, David Heft, Robert Perez, and Fred C. Bryant
Response of northern bobwhites to habitat improvement on private lands in the Rolling Plains of Texas, C. Brad Dabbert and Robin Verble-Pearson
Monitoring northern bobwhite populations reduces uncertainty about management effectiveness: A paradigm of empiricism and hope, Adam W. Green, Dallas P. Grimes, Greg Hagan, Richard Hamrick, Craig Harper, Patrick Keyser, John Morgan, I.B. Parnell, Reggie Thackston, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A Martin
Fall quail densities on public lands in Missouri: A decade of monitoring, Beth A. Emmerich and Thomas V. Dailey
Effects of broad-scale conservation on northern bobwhite populations in agricultural landscapes, John M. Yeiser, John J. Morgan, Danna L. Baxley, Richard B. Chandler, and James A. Martin
Molecular ecology of New World quails: messages for managers, Damon Williford, Randy W. DeYoung, and Leonard A. Brennan
Strategic habitat conservation for declining grassland wildlife populations in the oaks and prairies joint venture, James Giocomo, Jonathan Hayes, Kenneth Gee, Jeff Raasch, and Robert Perez
Temporal and spatial assessment of usable space and cover type interspersion for northern bobwhites on private farmlands in southwestern Ohio, Robert J. Gates, Mark J. Wiley, Adam K. Janke, and Marjorie R. Liberati
Temperature assessment on a reclaimed surface mine during northern bobwhite breeding season: Considerations for habitat management, Donald M. Yow, Jeremy P. Orange, John J. Morgan, Gary Sprandel, Danna L. Baxley, and Eric Williams
Vegetation and arthropod responses to brush reduction by grubbing and stacking, Carter G. Crouch, J. Alfonso Ortega-S., David B. Wester, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, and Greta L. Schuster
Predicting northern bobwhite habitat in semiarid rangeland using LANDSAT imagery, Jeffrey G. Whitt and Kelly S. Reyna
The role of joint ventures in northern bobwhite conservation, Stephen J. DeMaso
Long-term population stability in the greater Red Hills region amidst range-wide declines: a case for integrated management, Theron M. Terhune II, D. Clay Sisson, William E. Palmer, and Shane D. Wellendorf
An evaluation of northern bobwhite conservation research: a call for large-scale studies, Lex J. Gomez and Kelly S. Reyna
Effects of tanglehead expansion on bobwhite habitat use in South Texas, John T. Edwards, Fidel Hernández, David B. Wester, Leonard A. Brennan, Chad J. Parent, and Fred C. Bryant
Habitat space used by northern bobwhites and Texas tortoises on South Texas rangelands, Ross O. Couvillon, Leonard A. Brennan, Fidel Herna´ndez, Bart M. Ballard, and Thomas V. Dailey
National bobwhite conservation initiative focus area monitoring in the 2C focus area, Missouri, Beth A. Emmerich, W.T. White, and E. Lee Metcalf
Response of northern bobwhite to longleaf pine ecosystem enhancement through the State Wildlife Grant Program, Adam B. Butler, John P. Gruchy, Richard G. Hamrick, and Matt Elliott
Uncertainty and the entanglement of habitat loss and fragmentation effects in the management of northern bobwhite, Mason H. Cline, Richard Chandler, Clinton T. Moore, and James A. Martin
The law of interspersion and the principle of edge: old arguments and a new synthesis, Mark D. McConnell, L. Wes Burger, and James. A. Martin
Automated identification and mapping of woody habitat using digital ortho imagery, M. Keith Wethington
How many are there? Estimating the North American northern bobwhite population size for conservation planning purposes, James Giocomo, William Vermillion, Stephen J. DeMaso, and Arvind Panjabi
A method for setting northern bobwhite population and habitat objectives for large landscape partnerships, James Giocomo, William Vermillion, Stephen DeMaso, Barry Wilson, Jon Hayes, Kenneth Gee, Jesús Franco, Aimee Roberson, Robert Perez, Jeff Raasch, Bill Bartush, and Benjamin Kahler
Data-driven planning for the conservation of grassland birds in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region, Cara J. Joos, Jane A. Fitzgerald, Christopher M. Lituma, James J. Giocomo, and Larry Heggemann
Landscape-scale geospatial assessment of open pine and natural grassland condition for northern bobwhite in the Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks. Toby Gray, Kristine Evans, and Todd Jones-Farrand
Impacts of habitat fragmentation on northern bobwhites in the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative. Katherine S. Miller, Leonard A. Brennan, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Fidel Hernández, Eric D. Grahmann, Atiye Z. Okay, X. Ben Wu, Markus J. Peterson, Heather Hannusch, Jose Mata, and Jaclyn Robles
Utility of fine resolution land cover data for modeling northern bobwhite abundance in the oaks and prairies of Oklahoma, Nicolas Jaffe, Timothy O’Connell, and James Giocomo
Evaluating temporal differences in land cover: implications for managing bobwhite at the landscape scale in Virginia, Scott D. Klopfer, Daniel A. Cross, Kevin McGuckin, Jay E. Howell, and K. Marc Puckett
Response of grassland birds to agricultural intensity at different spatial scales in Texas, Anna Matthews, M. Clay Green, and James Giocomo
Partnering for quail in South Carolina: a cooperative approach making a difference, Gary M. Peters, Michael W. Hook, Mark S. Garner, Jeffrey M. Magniez, Charles W. McKinney, and Jordan S. Nanney
Connecting land ethics and entrepreneurship through experiential learning in a bobwhite centric outdoor education program, Greta M. Bowling, Ashleigh P. Tynes, and Kelly S. Reyna
Contributions of translocation to northern bobwhite population recovery, D. Clay Sisson, Theron M. Terhune II, William E. Palmer, and Reggie E. Thackston
Experiences in northern bobwhite propagation and translocation in Ohio, 1978–2012, Mark J. Wiley and Nathaniel J. Stricker
The effect of age-at-release on survival of adoptive parent-reared bobwhite chicks, Kyle D. Lunsford, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Testing northern bobwhite reintroduction techniques in the northern edge of their range, William Macaluso, Christopher K. Williams, and Theron M. Terhune
Parent-reared bobwhite survival in the Texas Rolling Plains, Mark A. Thomas and C. Brad Dabbert
Summer survival of translocated northern bobwhite in the New Jersey Pine Barrens: Preliminary results, Philip M. Coppola, Kaili R. Stevens, Christopher K. Williams, Theron M. Terhune, John P. Parke, and John Cecil
Winter survival and habitat selection by translocated northern bobwhite in the New Jersey Pine Barrens: Preliminary results, Kaili R. Stevens, Philip M. Coppola, Christopher K. Williams, Theron M. Terhune, John P. Parke, and John Cecil
Effects of supplemental feeding on breeding season home ranges and resource selection of northern bobwhites, Shane D. Wellendorf, William E. Palmer, and Allen M. Bostick III
Do movement patterns and habitat use differ between optimal- and suboptimal-sized northern bobwhite coveys? Christopher K. Williams, Roger D. Applegate, and Anthony R. Ives
Foraging behavior of northern bobwhites in relation to resource availability, Ryan S. Miller, William E. Palmer, Shane D. Wellendorf, and L. Wes Burger Jr.
Northern bobwhite home range sizes and movements in South Texas, Katherine S. Miller, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, Randy W. DeYoung, and X. Ben Wu
Northern bobwhite nest site selection in field borders, Danielle J. Berger, Jessica N. Piispanen, Tim F. Ginnett, and Jason D. Riddle
Breeding season survival and nesting of northern bobwhite on native prairie versus traditionally managed conservation areas in southwestern Missouri, Thomas R. Thompson, Frank L. Loncarich, and R. Kyle Hedges
Evaluating two trap-and-release methods for bobwhites, Theron M. Terhune II
Estimates of northern bobwhite neonate survival, Theron M. Terhune II, Richard B. Chandler, and James A. Martin
Patch size and nest density influence nest survival, Victoria Simonsen and Joseph J. Fontaine
Effects of growing season fire on northern bobwhite nest site selection and survival, Sarah B. Rosche, Christopher E. Moorman, Christopher S. Deperno, and Jeffrey G. Jones
Influence of northern bobwhite nest site selection on nest survival in an agricultural landscape, Andy D. Richardson, Christopher E. Moorman, Craig A. Harper, Mark D. Jones, and Benjy M. Strope
Triple brood production by northern bobwhites, D. Clay Sisson
An analysis of the interactions between weather and land use on midwestern gamebird populations using historical data: A preliminary report, Amanda R. Lipinski and Joseph J. Fontaine
Evaluation of land restoration practices on northern bobwhite productivity in North-central Texas: Preliminary results, Danielle Belleny, Heather Mathewson, Jeff Breeden, John Tomeˇcek, T. Wayne Schwertner, and Jim Giocomo
Statistical population reconstruction using wings from harvested northern bobwhites can inform management, Theron M. Terhune II, Kristen M. Malone, D. Clay Sisson, and James A. Martin
Use of spring whistle counts to predict northern bobwhite relative abundance, D. Clay Sisson and Theron M. Terhune II
Retention and efficacy of citizen scientist volunteers of the Texas quail index, Kelly S. Reyna and Dale Rollins
Comparison of dog surveys and fall covey surveys in estimating fall population trends of northern bobwhite, Evan P. Tanner, R. Dwayne Elmore, David K. Dahlgren, Craig A. Davis, and Samuel D. Fuhlendorf
The efficacy of GoPro cameras to account for northern bobwhites flushed, but undetected during aerial surveys, Andrea Bruno, Leonard A. Brennan, Andrew N. Tri, and Habin Su
Distance sampling to assess post-grazing northern bobwhite recovery in South Texas, Rachel A. Smith, Leonard A. Brennan, Fidel Hernández, and Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso
Hunter-covey interactions using pointing bird dogs, Theron M. Terhune II, Diana J. McGrath, Seth Wood, and James A. Martin
Factors influencing northern bobwhite hunter success on a public wildlife management area in Kentucky, Jarred M. Brooke, John J. Morgan, Danna L. Baxley, Craig A. Harper, and Patrick D. Keyser
Evaluating hunting success of pen-reared and wild northern bobwhite in a reclaimed Kentucky mineland, Jeremy P. Orange, John M. Yeiser, Danna L. Baxley, John J. Morgan, and Ben A. Robinson
Refining the hunting zone of hunter-covey interface models, James A. Martin, Diana J. McGrath, William S. Wood, and Theron M. Terhune II
Evaluating the impacts of hunting paths on northern bobwhite survival, economic costs, and hunter satisfaction, W. Seth Wood, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Effect of field trials on northern bobwhite survival and hunt quality on Dixie Plantation, D. Clay Sisson and Theron M. Terhune II
Genetic diversity and relatedness within and among northern bobwhite coveys in South Texas, Katherine S. Miller, Leonard A. Brennan, Randy W. DeYoung, Fidel Hernández, and X. Ben Wu
Effect of temperature and wind on metabolism of northern bobwhite in winter, L. Wes Burger, Jr., Thomas V. Dailey, Mark R. Ryan, and Eric Kurzejeski
Using first passage time analysis to identify foraging patterns of the northern bobwhite, Diana J. McGrath, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Comparing the accuracy of egg candling and egg flotation to estimate the hatching date of northern bobwhite clutches, Byron R. Buckley, Alicia K. Andes, and C. Brad Dabbert
Genetic structure of northern bobwhite in the Rolling Plains, Peter E. Schlichting, Melanie Murphy, Byron Buckley, and C. Brad Dabbert
Geographic survey of Oxyspirura petrowi among wild northern bobwhites in the United States, Bradley Kubečka, Andrea Bruno, and Dale Rollins
Free-ranging, northern bobwhite submissions to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease study (1982–2015), Roger D. Applegate, Richard W. Gerhold Jr., Heather Fenton, and John R. Fischer
A brief history of insecticides and quail, Amanda Gobeli, Caitlin Thompson, and Kelly S. Reyna
Use of Extinguish Pluse to reduce red imported fire ants and increase northern bobwhite abundance, James W. Caldwell, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez, Fred E. Smeins, Michael E. Morrow, Brian L. Pierce, and Israel D. Parker
Impacts of red imported fire ants on northern bobwhite nest survival, Angelina M. Haines, D. Clay Sisson, Robert A. Gitzen, Christopher A. Lepczyk, William E. Palmer, and Theron M. Terhune II
Landscape features affecting northern bobwhite predator-specific nest failures in southeastern USA, Susan N. Ellis-Felege, Shannon E. Albeke, Nathan P. Nibbelink, Michael J. Conroy, D. Clay Sisson, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll
Habitat, climate, and raptors as factors in the northern bobwhite decline: a multi-scale analysis, John T. Edwards, Fidel Hernández, David B. Wester, Leonard A. Brennan, Chad J. Parent, and Robert M. Perez
Effect of meso-mammal nest predator activity on northern bobwhite nest success, Alexander L. Jackson, William E. Palmer, D. Clay Sisson, Theron M. Terhune II, and James A. Martin
Evaluation of population indices and estimators for scaled quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas, Bradley W. Kubečka, John Edwards, Fidel Hernández, and Dale Rollins
Population trends and a revised management plan for quail in California, Katherine S. Miller, Matt G. Meshriy, and Scott S. Gardner
Ranges and movements of Montezuma quail in southeast Arizona, Pedro M. Chavarria, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez, Donald S. Davis, and Angel Montoya
Survival demographics of Montezuma quail in southeast Arizona, Pedro M. Chavarria, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez, Donald S. Davis, and Angel Montoya
A presence–absence survey to monitor Montezuma quail in western Texas, Cristela Gonzalez Sanders, Fidel Hernández, Leonard A. Brennan, Louis A. Harveson, Andrew N. Tri, and Robert M. Perez
Changes in habitat use of Montezuma quail in response to tree canopy reduction in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico, Ryan S. Luna, Elizabeth A. Oaster, Karlee D. Cork, and Ryan O’Shaughnessy
Effects of source population and release strategy on survival and dispersal of translocated scaled quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas: A preliminary report, Rebekah E. Ruzicka and Dale Rollins
Efficacy of a soft release strategy for translocating scaled quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas, Rebekah E. Ruzicka, Kara B. Campbell, Michelle C. Downey, Dale Rollins, Bradley K. Kubecka, Matthew Poole, and Donald C. Ruthven
Survival and nesting ecology of scaled quail in the Trans-Pecos, Texas, Carlos E. González González, Louis A. Harveson, and Ryan S. Luna
Conservation status of the masked bobwhite in Sonora, Mexico, David García-Solórzano, Edgardo López-González, and Carlos González-Rebeles Islas
The saga of the masked bobwhite: Lessons learned and unlearned, David E. Brown and Kevin B. Clark
Breeding season space use and habitat selection of adult female scaled and Gambel’s quail in West Texas, Richard A. Temple, Jr., Louis A. Harveson, and Ryan S. Luna
The importance of regional and landscape context and climate change to northern bobwhite management, Frank R. Thompson III
Copyright 2017, National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative. Open access work
License: CC BY-NC 4.0