Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies
Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings
Date of this Version
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Quail V: Proceedings of the Fifth National Quail Symposium (January 23-27, 2002 : Corpus Christi, Texas)
Editors: Stephen J. DeMaso, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr., Fidel Hernández, and Michael E. Berger
Published by: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, Texas, United States, 2002
ISBN: 1891276301
Arizona Quail: Species in Jeopardy? Ron Engel-Wilson and William P. Kuvlesky, Jr.
Emerging Trends in Midwest Bobwhite Culture, Thomas V. Dailey
Quail Management: Issues, Concerns, and Solutions for Public and Private Lands: A Southeastern Perspective, L. Wes Burger
Rangewide Trends in Landuse and Northern Bobwhite Abundance: An Exploratory Analysis, Markus J. Peterson, X. Ben Wu, and Paikho Rho
Keynote Address: Ideas, Landscapes, and Conservation's New Frontier, Shane P. Mahoney
Banquet Remarks: Sustaining the 'Quail Wave' in the Southern Great Plains, Dale Rollins
Coyotes: Friend or Foe of Northern Bobwhite in Southern Texas, Scott E. Henke
Macrohabitat Composition Surrounding Successful and Depredated Northern Bobwhite Nests, Eric L. Staller, William E. Palmer, and John P. Carroll
Bobcat Predation on Quail, Birds, and Mesomammals, Michael E. Tewes, Jennifer M. Mock, and John H. Young
Effects of Field Borders and Mesomammal Reduction on Northern Bobwhite and Songbird Abundance on Three Farms in North Carolina (Oral Abstract), Peter T. Bromley, Shane D. Wellendorf, William E. Palmer, and Jeffery F. Marcus
Understanding the Relationship Between Northern Bobwhite Mortality and Raptor Migration in South Texas (Poster Abstract), Fernando R. Holschneider, Fidel Henández, David Rios, and Juan D. Vasquez
Effects of Micro-habitat, Macro-habitat, and Predator Space-Use on Success of Northern Bobwhite Nests (Poster Abstract), Pat Stockett, Mark Smith, James Austin, Scott Szukaitis, Chrissie Henner, L. Wes Burger, Bruce Leopold, and Dave Godwin
Survival and Home Range Estimates of Pen-Raised Northern Bobwhites in Buffer Strip and Non-Buffer Strip Habitats, Michael J. Oakley, Dixie L. Bounds, Theodore A. Mollet, and Edward C. Soutiere
Survival and Flight Characteristics of Captive-Reared and Wild Northern Bobwhites in South Texas, Robert M. Perez., Don E. Wilson, and Karen D. Gruen
Survival and Habitat Use of Pen-Raised Northern Bobwhites at Camp Robinson Wildlife Demonstration Area, Arkansas (Poster Abstract), Matthew D. Lewis, Steven Fowler, Chris Kellner, and James C. Bednarz
Effects of Hurricane Bret on Northern Bobwhite Survival in South Texas, Fidel Hernández, Juan D. Vasquez, Fred C. Bryant, Andrew A. Radomski, and Ronnie Howard
Use of Weather Variables for Predicting Fall Covey Calling Rates of Northern Bobwhites, Ted P. Seiler, Ronald D. Drobney, and Thomas V. Dailey
Weather and Age Ratios of Northern Bobwhites in South Texas, Fred S. Guthery, Jeffrey J. Lusk, David R. Synatzske, James Gallagher, Stephen J. DeMaso, Ronnie R. George, and Markus J. Peterson
Fine Scale Influence of Weather on Northern Bobwhite Abundance, Breeding Success, and Harvest in South Texas, Robert M. Perez, James F. Gallagher, and Michael C. Frisbie
Brood Season Habitat Selection by Montezuma Quail in Southeastern Arizona, Kirby D. Bristow and Richard A. Ockenfels
Efficacy of Line Drives to Locate Montezuma Quail at Elephant Mountain Wildlife Management Area (Poster Abstract), Froylan Hernández, Louis A. Harveson, and Clay Brewer
The Impact of Invasive Exotic Grasses on Quail in the Southwestern United States, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr., Timothy E. Fulbright, and Ron Engel-Wilson
Initial Effects of Prescribed Burning on Survival and Nesting Success of Northern Bobwhites in West-Central Texas, Philip S. Carter, Dale Rollins, and Cody B. Scott
Does Habitat Management for Northern Bobwhites Benefit the Red Imported Fire Ant? A. R. Forbes, C. B. Dabbert, R. B. Mitchell, and J. M. Mueller
Winter Macro- and Microhabitat Use of Winter Roost Sites in Central Missouri, Eliodora Chamberlain, Ronald D. Drobney, and Thomas V. Dailey
Characteristics of Four Agricultural Crops Established as Northern Bobwhite Brood Habitat, Denise A. Maidens and John P. Carroll
Effects of Northern Bobwhite Habitat Management Practices on Red Imported Fire Ants, Shaun Williamson, L. Wes Burger, Jr., Stephen Demarais, and Michael Chamberlain
Response of Vegetation Important to Northern Bobwhites Following Chemical and Mechanical Treatments (Oral Abstract), James R. Welch, K. V. Miller, and William E. Palmer
Winter Cover Height and Heat Loss: Is Taller Better? (Oral Abstract), Eliodora Chamberlain, Ronald D. Drobney, and Thomas V. Dailey
Northern Bobwhite Habitat Use in a Forest-Dominated System (Poster Abstract), Ira B. Pamell III, Sara H. Schweitzer, Craig G. White, and Lynn A. Lewis
Northern Bobwhite Population Response to Intensive Mechanical Hardwood Clean-Up (Poster Abstract), D. Clay Sisson, H. Lee Stribling, and Jerald F. Sholar
Northern Bobwhite Population Response to Intensive Modification of a Farm Landscape in Middle Georgia (Poster Abstract), D. Clay Sisson, H. Lee Stribling, and Steven D. Mitchell
Landscape-Scale Land-Cover Change and Long-Term Abundance of Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite in Texas, Andrew S. Bridges, Markus J. Peterson, Nova J. Silvy, Fred E. Smeins, and X. Ben Wu
Movement Patterns of Resident and Relocated Northern Bobwhites in East Texas, Xiangwen Liu, R. Montague Whiting, Jr., D. Scott Parsons, and Donald R. Dietz
Breeding Season Movements and Dispersal of Northern Bobwhites in Fragmented Habitats of Virginia, Michael L. Fies, K. Marc Puckett, and Bonnie Larson-Brogdon
Habitat Selection of Northern Bobwhite in the Rio Grande Plains of Texas, William P. Kuvlesky, Jr., Wendell G. Swank, and Nova J. Silvy
Contribution of CRP to Illinois Bobwhite Habitat at the Landscape Level (Poster Abstract), Whitney L. Weber and John L. Roseberry
Habitat Selection of Northern Bobwhite Coveys on Two Intensive Agricultural Landscapes in Eastern North Carolina (Poster Abstract), Shane D. Wellendorf, William E. Palmer, and Peter T. Bromley
Cyclicity in Northern Bobwhites: A Time-Analytic Review of the Evidence, Wayne E. Thogmartin, John L. Roseberry, and Alan Woolf
Management Implications of Estimating Abundance of Quail Inhabiting Forest Environs in Mexico, Jack C. Eitniear, and John T. Baccus
A Comparison of Two Quail Abundance Indices and Their Relationship to Quail Harvest in Texas, Stephen J. DeMaso, Markus J. Peterson, Jon R. Purvis, Nova J. Silvy, and Jerry L. Cooke
Hunting Success and Northern Bobwhite Density on Tall Timbers Research Station: 1970-2001, William E. Palmer, Shane D. Wellendorf; Leonard A. Brennan, William R. Davidson, and Forest E. Kellogg
Factors Influencing Early Morning Covey Calling in Northern Bobwhites (Oral Abstract), Shane D. Wellendorf, William E. Palmer, and Peter T. Bromley
Improving Quail Management through Statistical Modelling (Poster Abstract), Erynn M. Call, Ronald D. Drobney, and Thomas V. Dailey
Comparison of Methods to Capture Bobwhites During Summer (Poster Abstract), Shane D. Wellendorf, A. Vincent Carver, and William E. Palmer
Methods for Capturing, Marking, and Estimating Survival of Northern Bobwhite Chicks (Poster Abstract), Mark D. Smith, Adam D. Hammond, L. Wes Burger, William E. Palmer, A. Vince Carver, and Scott Szukaitis
Relationship among Plasma Triglycerides, Body Mass, and Reproduction of Northern Bobwhites, J. M. Mueller and C. B. Dabbert
Comparison of Northern Bobwhite Chick Fecal and Crop Analyses, Kristen Urz, John P. Carroll, and Steven J. Moreby
Using Microsatellite DNA to Understand Bobwhite Behavior and Population Structure (Poster Abstract), Brant C. Faircloth, Kristine Oswald, Williom E. Palmer, John P. Carroll. L. Wes Burger, Koom Wah Fok, and Shane D. Wellendorf
A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Frustration, Leonard A. Brennan
Effects of Supplemental Feeding on Northern Bobwhite Populations in South Texas, Ted B. Doerr and Nova J. Silvy
The Effect of Quail Feeders on Northern Bobwhite Density in Western Oklahoma, Stephen J. DeMaso, Darrell Townsend II, Scott A. Cox, Edward S. Parry, Robert L. Lochmiller, and Alan D. Peoples
The Bobwhite Quail Initiative: Restoring Georgia's State Gamebird While Improving the Environment (Poster Abstract), Chris Baumann, Bobby Bond, Joy Bornhoeft, John P. Carroll, Adam Hammond, Richard Hamrick, Walter Lane, Buck Marchinton, and Reggie Thackston
Closing Remarks: Pieces of the Puzzle, Circles in the Stream, Leonard A. Brennan
Copyright 2002, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission