Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


The International Symposium on Galliformes 1997 (September 8-14, 1997 : Melaka, Malaysia)

Hosted by Department of Wildlife and National Parks, Peninsular Malaysia

Sponsored by Ministry of Technology and the Environment, Malaysia, World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Specialist Group, and others


Copyrught 1997, the authors of the respective papers. Used by permission


Conservation and Birds in Malaysia I, Chair: Khan Momim Khan

Conservation of wildlife: Strategy and plan with special reference to pheasants, Musa Nordin

The protected area as in-situ conservation sites for pheasants in Peninsular Malaysia, Sivananthan Elagupillay

The protected area network of Sarawak, Sapuan Ahmad and Melvin Gumal

Management of protected areas in Sabah with emphasis on pheasant conservation, Augustine Tuuge

Conservation and Birds in Malaysia II, Chair: Khan Momin Khan

The status and current distribution of the crested argus (Rheinardia ocellata nigrescens) in Peninsular Malaysia, Nawayai Yasak and Ismail Mamat

Breeding ecology of red junglefowl, Arshad M. I. and M. Zakaria

Ecotourism potential of avifauna in Malaysia, Allen Jeyarasingam

Conservation and Birds in Malaysia III, Chair: Khan Momim Khan

An overview of the conservation of Migratory Birds in Peninsular Malaysia, Burhanudin Mohd Nor and Azman Said

Bird ringing programme in Peninsular Malaysia 1973 to 1995, Siti Hawa Yatim

Endau-Rompin Master Plan and pheasants, Tengku Nazim Yaakob

Species Conservation, Chair: Rahul Kaul

Implementation of action plans: A progress report, Peter Garson and John P. Carrroll

The BirdLife International Asian Red Data Book and Important bird Areas in Asia Programme, Nigel Collar and Michael Crosby

The conservation status of the Sichuan hill partridge, Dai Bo and Simon D. Dowell

Clutch size and nesting survival of brown eared-pheasants, Zhang Zheng-wang, Zheng Guang-mei, Yang Xiang ming, and Wu Jian-yong

The ecology of the Hainan hill-partridge and grey peacock-pheasant on Hainan Island, Gao Yu-ren

Natural history of a marked population of Chinese monal pheasant in Sichuan Province, P. R. China, David Rimlinger, Hans Landel, Cheng Cai Yun, and Guo Geng

Conservation initiatives to save Blyth’s tragopan in Mizoram N. E. India, Rahul Kaul, Lalram Thanga, and Ashfaque Ahmed

Distribution and ecology of the Reeves’ pheasant, Li Zhu-mei

Ecology and conservation of western tragopan, Tragopan melanocephalus in the western

Himalaya, India, Salim Javed, Rahul Kaul, and Jamal Khan

Density index and habitat associations of the cheer pheasant, Catreus wallichi in Himachal Pradesh, India, Rajiv Kalsi and Rahul Kaul

Nesting success of the swamp francolin, Francolinus gularis in northern India, Perwez Iqubal, Philip McGowan, and Asad Rahmani

Conservation of the bearded tree-quail in Mexico, Jack Eitniear, Sergio Aguilar, John P. Carroll, Aivaro Tapia, and John Baccus

Play-back survey of the Venezuelan wood-quail in Pitter National Park, John P. Carroll

The status and conservation of green peafowl in China, Wen Xian-ji, Yang Xiao-jun, and Yang Lun

The status and conservation of green peafowl in Vietnam, Will Duckworth

The status and conservation of green peafowl in Java, Basvan Balen and Iwan Setiawan

The establishment and preliminary analyses of the site records database for Chinese Galliformes, Ding Chang-qing and Zheng Guang-mei

Status, distribution and ecology of the Manipur bush-quail (Perdicula manipurensis) in north-eastern India, John Grynderup Poulsen

Vietnamese Lophuras: Taxonomy, Status and Conservation Action, Chair: Simon Tonge

An update from the field, Will Duckworth

Genetic, diversity, conservation and phylogenetic relationships of the Edwards’ pheasant, Alain Hennache, Ettore Randi, and Vittorio Lucchini

Conservation Breeding, Chair: Han Assink

The role of nutrition in the conservation of pheasants, Christine Sheppard

Conservation breeding of pheasants in Vietnam, Dang Gia Tung

Conservation breeding of pheasants in Thailand, Preecha Ratanaporn

Breeding behaviour of the Malaysian peacock-pheasant: A case study in the contribution that captive collections can make to science, John Corder and Pat Corder

Using data on habitat and behaviour to improve management protocols for threatened pheasants, Kermit Rameson-Black

Studbook and captive management of peacock pheasants, Don Bruning

Captive breeding of snowcocks in Xinjiang, China, Ma Ming

Studies on breeding Chinese monal in captivity, Cheng Cai-yun, Li Jin-Lu, and Feng-ling

International studbook and preservation programme for Blyth’s tragopan, Han Assink

A possible role of male ornaments as predictors and reproductive success in common pheasants, Anna Papeschi, Andrew Hoodless, John P. Carroll, and F. Dessi-Fulgheri

The effects of parasitic nematodes on the breeding success of pheasants in the wild, Maureen Woodburn

Structure and organisation of the genome of red-legged partridge, Deodália Dias, C. Carvalho, T. Rafael, and F. A. Ponce de Leon

Paternal behaviour in Congo peafowl and Palawan peacock-pheasants at the Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Gillian C. Stewart and Christopher Haines

A new EEP: The Palawan peacock pheasant, Gillian C. Stewart

Sponsors’ Trade Posters

A presentation of the UK and international closed ringing scheme, Aviornis-UK, Bollington, Cheshire, United Kingdom

The manufacturer of specialist incubation and associated equipment for rare and endangered species, A. B. Incubators Ltd, Mendlesham, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Advanced avian incubation and management systems, Avian Management Services, Staughton-on-Wye, Hereford, United Kingdom

Sexing of birds using DNA extracted from blood or feather samples, University Diagnostics Ltd, London Rd, London, England

Nutrition specialist providing a full range of quality avian foods, Witte Molen BV, Meenwen, The Netherlands

Recent Advances in Research, Chair: Zheng Guang-mei

Molecular and morphological perspectives on galliform taxonomy: Agreement or conflict? Timothy Crowe and Paulette Bloomer

Status and conservation of Galliformes Turkmenistan species in Turkmenistan, Alexander Solokha

Spring call counts of Satyr tragopan in the Singhalila National Park, India, Sarala Khaling, Rahul Kaul, Goutam Kumar Saha, Zhou Xiao-ping, and Zhang He-min

The home range and habitat selection of blood pheasants, Jia Chen-xi, Zheng Guang-mei, Zhou Xiao-ping, and Zhang He-min

Mikado pheasant home range in secondary growth habitats of Yushan National Park, Taiwan, Cara Lin Bridgman, Paul Alexander, and Lung-shen Cheng

Design and fabrication of radio collars using Indigenous components in India, Rajiv Kalsi

The ecology of the golden pheasant in the 1996 breeding season, Ding Chang-qing, Liang Wei, Zhao Lei-gang, and Gong Hui-sheng

Long term monitoring of Pakistan's pheasant species and related habitats, Rob Whale, Mohammad Mumtaz Malik, and Peter Garson

Graphical Information System and satellite imagery: What are they, why use them and why not? John Grynderup Poulsen

An assessment of current status of a pheasant community of the Kumaon Himalayas, Uttar Pradesh, India, JamaI Khan, Mohammed Hussan Ashfaque Ahmed, and Rahul Kaul

Conservation of Galliformes in Sikkim, India, Usha Ganguli-Lachungpa

Studies on the aggregating behaviour of golden pheasants, Liang Wei, Ding Chang-qing, Zhao Lei-gang, Gong Hui-heng, Zhang Zheng-wang, and Zheng Guang-mei

Flocking and habitat use pattern of red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, Dudwa National Park, India, Sálim Javed and Asad Rahmani

Molecular evolution of the mitochondrial control-region in the Alectoris partridges, Vittorio Lucchini and Ettore Randi

Mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence among rock partridge populations, Vittorio Lucchini and Ettore Randi

A reappraisal of conservation concerns for the red junglefowl: DNA profiles, historical specimens and genetic purity, Lehr Brisbin and A. Townsend Peterson

Spring diet of ring-necked pheasants on farmland in England, Roger Draycott

A preliminary model on the ecological relationships between monal pheasants and Himalayan musk deer, S. Sathyakumar

Sex ratio: A problem in the management of kalij pheasant, Ashfaque Ahmed and Abbas Musavi

Status and distribution of kalij in Ranikhet Region of Kurnaon Himalayas, India, Ashfaque Ahmed and Abbas Musavi

Present status, distribution and conservation prospects for Blyth’s tragopan, Trogopan blythii in India, Ashfaque Ahmed and Rahul Kaul

Explaining francolin abundance in the Indus plain: Hunting pressure, habitat availability and pesticide use, Rashid Khan and Peter Garson

The ecology and behaviour of the blood pheasant at Lianhuashan, Sun Yue-hua and Fang Yun

A preliminary study on Verreaux’s monal-partridge at Lianhuashan by radio-tracking, Sun Yue-hua and Fang Yun

Mountain quail: Living or extinct? Tahmina Shafiq, Rahul Kaul, and Sálim Javed

Area Priority Setting

Identifying key areas for pheasants and partridges in Asia, Phil McGowan, Ding Chang-qing, Rahul Kaul, Umar Aftab, and Thilo Hoffman

The establishment and preliminary analyses of the site records database for Chinese Galliformes, Ding Chang-qing and Zheng Guang-mei

Distribution and conservation status of Bornean peacock-pheasant in central Kalimantan, Indonesia, Timothy O'Brien, Margaret Kinnaird, Nurul Laksmi and Paul Jepson

Specialist Groups and the Future: Open Discussions, Chairs: John C. Carroll and Peter Garson
