Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type

Conference Proceeding


Conservation of Quail in the Neotropics: Proceedings of a Symposium held during the VI Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Monterrey, Mexico, 4-10 October 1999

Jack C. Eitniear, John T. Baccus, Sheldon L. Dingle, and John P. Carroll, editors

Published by the Center for the Study of Tropical Birds, Miscellaneous Publication No. 3

ISBN 0-615-11802-X


Copyright 1999, the authors. Used by permission


Preface, John P. Carroll

Quail of México and Adjacent Central America: Status and Conservation Concerns, John P. Carroll and Jack C. Eitniear

Changing Densities of Singing Quail (Dactylortyx thoracicus) in El Cielo Biosphere, Tamaulipas, Mexico: 1949-1996, Jack C. Eitniear and Alvaro Aragon T.

Status of the Bearded Wood-partridge (Dendrortyx barbatus): With Comments on Its Conservation in Querétaro, John T. Baccus

Aspectos de la Dieta y Anidacon de la Cordorniz Rayata (Banded Quail) Philortyx fasciatus, Fernando Urbina-Torres y Lucila Zaiñhana-Ortiz

Long-tailed Tree-quail (Dendrortyx macroura): Current Knowledge and Research Needs, Gilberto Chavez-Leon

Abundance of the Long-tailed Tree-quail (Dendrortyx macroura) in Managed and Unmanaged Pine-Oak Forests, Gilberto Chavez-Leon

A Review of the Status of the Spot-winged Wood-quail (Odontophorus capueira) in Paraguay, Robert P. Clay

Habitat Preferences of the Venezuelan Wood-quail (Odontophorus columbianus), Elisa Bonaccorso and Guillermo R. Barreto

Rapid Assessments and Conservation of Quail along Three Altitudinal Transects in the Colombian Andes, Paul G. W. Salaman, Thomas M. Donegan, Andres M. Cuervo and José M. Ochoa

Populations of the Venezuelan Wood-quail (Odontophorus columbianus), Elisa Bonaccorso, Miguel Lentino and Guillermo R. Barreto

Status of the Spotted Wood-quail (Odontophorus guttatus) in Belize, Central America, Jack C. Eitniear

Observation of Elegant Quail (Callipepla douglasii) in Southern Nayarit, México, Daniel M. Brooks
