Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Conference Proceedings

Date of this Version


Document Type



Perdix III: Gray Partridge and Ring-necked Pheasant Workshop (Campbellsport, Wisoconsin, United States, March 28-30, 1983)

Compilers and editors: Robert T. Dumke, Richard B. Stiehl, and Richard B. Kahl

Production supervisors: Gloria Wienke and Ruth L. Hine

Graphic artist: Richard Burton

Publisher: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, May 1984

Sponsors: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and University of Wisconsin-Green Bay


Copyright 1984, the authors of the respective items. Used by permission



Opening remarks: How far we have come, Robert A. McCabe

Gray Partridge Ecology and Management

Grey partridge population dynamics: Comparisons between Britain and North America, G. Richard Potts

Changes in the composition of the autumn food of the partridge in western Finland over 20 years, Erkki Pulliainen

Body condition of gray partridge during fall and winter in Saskatchewan, Ross W. Melinchuk and John P. Ryder

Nesting biology of gray partridge in east-central Wisonsin, Kevin E. Church

Procedures for introducing gray partridge into unoccupied range in New York, Kevin E, Church, William F. Porter, and David E. Austin

Landowner and hunter attitudes toward gray partridge habitat improvement strategies, incentives, and harvesting mechanisms: A synopsism, Theresa A. Duffey

First invitational Gustav Pabst Hungarian partridge shoot, Daniel G. Olson

Ring-necked Pheaant Ecology and management

Early ACP and pheasant boom and bust! A historic perspective with rationale, William R. Edwards

Hen pheasant habitat use during reproduction in New York's Lake Plain, Robert C. Boyd and Milo E. Richmond

Comparison of techniques used to measure pheasant productivity in western new York, David E. Austin and Bruce Penrod

Pheasant nesting success with delayed hay mowing in Pennsylvania: Preliminary results, Fred E. Hartman and Rochelle Fisher

Responses and impact by pheasants on prairie-chicken sanctuaries in Illinois: A synopsis, Ronald L. Westermeier

Pheasant nesting ecology in relation to wheat farming, Warren D. Snyder

Pheasant nesting on restoration plots and associated cover types in South Dakota, Kenneth E. Solomon

Declining survival of ring-necked pheasant chicks in Illinois, Richard E. Warner

Habitat use and movements of Wisconsin pheasants during fall and winter, Ronald C. Gatti, Robert T. Dumke, and Charles M. Pils

Farmland Habitat Modeling and Management

Critical habitat components for gray partridge, Richard B. Stiehl

A gray artridge winter habitat model for the Great Lakes region, Kevin E. Church and Robin L. Viola

A draft habitat suitability index (HSI) model for gray partridge, Arthur W. Allen and Patrick J. Sousa

Pheasant habitat assessment and the PATREC model, Warren D. Snyder

The cooperative development of a private land wildlife habitat appraisal guide for Missouri: A synopsis, Edward A. Gaskins, David L. Ulrich, and John P. Graham

Interpreatation of pheasant habitat using satellite imagery, Diana L. cary, Elizabeth A. Cook, and Terry Barney

Intensive pheasant management on the Harlan County Reservoir: A synopsis, William L. Baxter and Alan K. Gehrt

Ohio's wldlife habitat restoration program: A synopsis, John J. Henry

Impacts of no-till farming on uploand wildlife, Nancy S. Basore, Richard E. Young, and James B. Wooley

The art of residual cover management in the Midwest: A commentary, Edward J. Frank

Associated Workshop Activities

Questionnaire survey results: Population status, harvest, management, and game farm programs for gray partridge and ring-necked pheasants in North America

PIK evaluation: Committee report on the 1983 set-aside program, Alfred Berner

