Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Grouse News 1-10 (1991-1995)

Editor: Diana Lovel

World Pheasant Association International


Copyright 199-1995, the authors of the respective items and the World Pheasant Association International. Used by permission


Issue 1 (March 1991)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Tetraonid study register and abstracting function

Decline of black grouse, Egbert Strauss

Work at Grimso, Jon Swenson

Grouse: Captive breeding and reintroductions, Lain Valentine

How effective is the release of captive bred capercaillie? David Baines

Size of display grounds of capercaillie, E. Viht

New capercaillie research in Scotland, David Baines

Radiotracking of reintroduced black grouse abstract, Stefan Hövel, Sepp Bauer, and Egbert Strauss

Dogs can't find my ptarmigan, David Hancock

Red grouse: The north of England 1990, David Newborn

A second workshop on black grouse, David Baines

Obituary, in memory of Oleg Ismailovich Semenov-Tjan-Shanskij (1906-September 21, 1990)

Review of The Ruffed Grouse by Gordon Gullion

Editor's postbag

Contributors' addresses

Issue 2 (December 1991)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Sixth International Grouse Symposium, September 1993, Fabio Perco

Captive breeding successes of grouse, Keith Chalmers-Watson

Why does bacl grouse density vary in the north of England? Peter Garson

Status and research in progress on the black grouse population in Provice of Udine (eastern Alps, Friuli-Venzia Giulia, Italy), P. De Franceschi, S. Mattedi, and Fabio Perco

Pinewoods, caterpillars and capercaillie, Rufus Sage and David baines

Telemetry studies on capercaillie in the Alps, Ilse Storch

Capercaillie in Baden-Wurttemberg?

Grouse snippets, Tomas Willebrand, Helmut Weiss, David Boag, Tor K. Spidsö, David Hancock, and Diana Lovel

Mesh fences clue to rare bird's decline, Toby Moore

Rare gamebird falls at Forest Service, Michael McCarthy

Death notice, Svein Myberget

Contributors' addresses

Issue 3 (June 1992)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Current status of the hazel grouse in China, Zhao Zhengjie

Conservation of hazel grouse in Germany, Manfred Lieser

Eutrophication and its consequences for habitat, species and conservation, H. Ellenberg

Movements, breeding success and mortality of black grouse hens: A radio-tracking study in Finland, Arto Marjakangas

Ecology and breeding biology of the hazel grouse in captivity, Hago R. and Takamoto S.

Diet of hazel grouse chicks and diet consumption in captivity, Kumiko S. and Fukimaki Y.

Do crop contents provide an accurate measure of grouse food habits? David A. Boag and Tara Corcoran

Treelovers attack summit "hypocrisy," Toby Moore

Grouse snippets, Sicgi Klaus, Jimmy Oswald, and Hans Christian Pederson

Contributors' addresses

Issue 4 (December 1992)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

The black-billed capercaillie, René Franêk

Discovery of Lagopus mutus in the Pamir Alaï Mountains (Tadjikistan), J. Jacques Pfeffer

Monitoring grouse populations in Finalnd, Peeka Helle and Harto Lindén

Greater interest in captive grouse, Keith Chalmers-Watson

Grouse snippets, Hans-Heiner Bergmann, Christian Nellemann, Christian Nappee

Review of Grouse in Space and Time: The Population Biology of a Managed Gamebird by P. J. Hudson

Notice about Pheasants of the World: Their Breeding and Management by Keith Howman

Issue 5 (June 1993)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Notice about the Sixth International Grouse Symposium (Udine, Italy, September 20-24, 1993)

Game bird feed possibly contaminated, David Hancock

The re-introduction of capercaillie in the Harz Mountains has been successful, Karl Heinz Haarstick

Wings of change for twelfth, John Young

The study of hazel grouse displays, Roald L. Potapov

The fate of capercaillie male which chose ro settle in the Adler Mountains, J. Porkert

Grouse snippets, Jon Swenson, Jan Porkert, Tomas Willebrand, and Diana Lovel

WPA publications

Issue 6 (December 1993)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

The WPA Specialist Group on grouse, Tim Lovel

Italian hospitality, Diana Lovel

Notes on black-billed capercaillie, black grouse and hazel grouse in north east China, Gao Wei, Xiang Gui-guan

Late renestings in female black grouse, Arto Marjakangas

The Swedish Willow grouse Project, Adam Smith

Abnormal capercaillie behaviour owing to imprinting disturbance, Hils H. Hoglung and Jan Porkert

Brief review of studies on hazel grouse in Japan, Yuzo Fujimaki

WPA publications

Issue 7 (June 1994)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

The Grouse Specialist Group, Tim Lovel

The Game Fair, Tim Lovel

The Famous Grouse sponsors grouse at the Scottish Fair

Visit to Pechoraillyich, May 1994, David Jenkins

A hazel expedition in China (Bonasa bonasia and B. sewerzowi), Jon E. Swenson and Sun Yue-Hua

Black game in North Cumbria, Earl of Carlisle

Age determination of young capercaillie chicks, Tor K. Spidsö and Odd H. Stuen

Austrian-German-Russian expedition to the Siberian spruce grouse area (April 28-May 18, 1994), Siegfried Klaus

The present situation of capercaillie in the Black Forest, Helmut Weiss

Effect of acid rain on pine needles as food for capercaillie in winter Tim K. Spidsö and H. Korsmo

Issue 8 (December 1994)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

The Game Fair, Tim Lovel

Captive grouse, moving forward, Keith Chalmers-Watson

Birds in trouble from the trees, Michael Wigun

Black grouse management evening, David Baines

Cairngorm conservation policy, Tim Lovel

Obituary: Earl of Carlisle (1923-1994), Diana Lovel

Professor David Jenkins, DSc, FRSE, Tim Lovel

IUCN/SSC Grouse Specialist Group minutes of first meeting, July 16, 1994

Grouse snippets

Notice of Pheasant Jungles by William Beebe

Issue 9 (June 1995)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Review: Management of forests for capercaillie in Scotland, by R. Mossard and N. Picozzi

Grouse Specialist Group, Matt Ridley

Matt Ridley, Grouse Specialist Group Chairman

Forest ditches: Pitfalls for young grouse chicks? Arto Marjakangas

Diet of hazel grouse and diet intake in captivity, Y. Fujimaki

Capercaillie decline and air pollution, Siegfried KIaus

Status and protection of capercaillie in Estonia, Ene Vihtt and Tor K. Spidsö

Studies of the Chinese hazel grouse in Gansu Province, central China, Siegfried Klaus. Wolfgang Sc:herzinger, and Sun Yue-hua

Grouse snippets

Review of the Proceedings of the 6th International Grouse Symposium, review by Matt Ridley

Issue 10 (December 1995)

Editorial, Diana Lovel

Cheviot black grouse Seminar: Summary of proceedings

Black grouse revival in the North Pennine Hills, England, David Baines

Seasonal habitat use and diet of black grouse in the Pennine Hills of Northern England, Anne Westerberg

Annual home ranges and spacing patterns of Capercaillie in central Europe, Ilse Storch

The seventh International Grouse Symposium, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, 1996, Mall Ridley

Upcomi ng meeting in Colorado, Jim Bendell

What do you know about grouse eggs? Jim Bendell

Grouse snippets, Ilse Storch and Diana Lovel

Move to end bird of prey protection, Auslan Cramb

Landowners attacked for plea to kill birds of prey, Auslan Cramb

