Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies

Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters
Date of this Version
Document Type
Grouse News 11-20 (1996-2000)
World Pheasant Association International
Editor: Diana Lovel
Alternate title: Grouse News: Newsletter of the Grouse Specialist Group
Issue 11 (June 1996)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Diary of David and Margaret's visit to the Pyrenees June 19-28, 1995
Adaptability of gamebirds, David Jenkins
Pheasants and grouse, Matt Ridley
Letter to the editor, Tim Lovel
Grouse Group founded, Rudi Suchant
Hybrids between capercaillie and black grouse and their characteristics, Jan Porkert
Does the occurrence of capercaillie-black grouse hybrids in Øvre Landvik, southern Norway signalize the coming extinction of capercaillies, as it did in Ostsudeten in the Czech Republic? Jan Porkert in cooperation with Arne Flor
Review of Naturschutz report
The effect of matrix on the occurrence of hazel grouse in isolated habitat fragments, J. Åberg, G. Jansson, J. E. Swenson, P. Angelstam
Long-term dynamics of hazel grouse populations in source- and sink-dominated pristine taiga landscapes, Aleksandr B. Beshkarev, Jon E. Swenson, Per Angelstam, Per Andrén, and Aleksei B. Blagovidov
Grouse snippets
Issue 12 (December 1996)
Grouse Specialist Group, Matt Ridley
The Seventh International Grouse Symposium, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, August 1996, Anne Westerberg
Grouse Specialist Group Chairmanship, Diana Lovel
Letter to the editor, Ilse Storch
Sage grouse and the conservation reserve program in north-cenlral Washington, Michael A. Schroeder
Review of lhe dislribution of hazel grouse in lhe Korean Peninsula, Sang-Hoon Han and Yuzo Fujimaki
A summer wilh rock ptarmigan in northeast Greenland, Manfred Lieser
Capercaillie conservation meetings, Scotland
Grouse snippets
New publications
Issue 13 (June 1997)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Grouse Specialist Group
Grouse Specialist Group: Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Profile: Jack Connelly, a member of the Grouse Specialist Group Committee
Breeding of Siberian spruce grouse Falcipennis falcipennis and Caucasian black grouse Tetrao mlokosiewiczi in captivity, Hans-Heiner Bergmann, Siegfried Klaus, and Ursula Wilmering
Review of Die Haselbühner Bonasa bonasia und Bonasa sewerzowi: Die Neue Brehm Bücherei by H.-H. Bergmann, S. Klaus, F. Müller, W. Scherzinger, J. F. Swenson, and J. Wiesner
Diary of David and Margaret's visit to the Pyrenees June 19-28, 1995, Part II
Ecology and behaviour of the Chinese grouse, Siegfried Klaus, Wolfgang Scherzinger, and Yue-Hua Sun
Grouse snippets
Issue 14 ()
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Grouse Specialist Group
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Forum: Re-introduction as a conservation tool: Breeding and releasing projects for capercaillie in Germany, Siegfried Klaus
Prairie grouse translocations in North America: A viable management alternative? Jack Connelly
Profile: Kathy M. Martin
Profile: Sun Yue-Hua
Chinese grouse at Lianhuashan: Progress report from a project supported by the GSG, Sun Yue-Hua and Fang Yun
Behavioural studies of Chinese grouse during mating season in 1997, Siegfried Klaus, Wolfgang Scherzinger, Sun Yue-Hua, and Fang Yun
A new distribution area of the Chinese grouse in Tibet, Lu Xin
Surveys of the Caucasian black grouse in Armenia, Alexander Solokha
Recent publications
Grouse snippets
Issue 15 (June 1998)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Grouse Specialist Group
Chairman's column: A disturbing topic ... human disturbance of grouse [Forum], Ilse Storch
Human disturbance of grouse in France, Emmanuel Menoni and Yann Magnani
Skiing and grouse in the Bavarian Alps, Albin Zeitler and Ulrich Glanzer
Tourism in the Black Forest: Danger for the capercaillie, Rudi Suchant and Ralf Roth
Buman disturbance of grouse in Switzerland, Pierre Mollet
Effects of human disturbance on Sharp-tailed grouse, Rick Baydack
Letter to the editor, Jimmy Oswald
Grouse snippets
Issue 16 (December 1998)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Chinese hazel grouse, Roald L. Potapov
Visiting the United Kingdom for grouse and pheasant, Fang Yun
Funding for Cllinese grouse project, Ilse Storch
A grouse "model-area" in the northern Black Forest, Helmut Weiss
Age determination of the hazel grouse based on skulI pneumatization, Hee-Young Chae and Yuzo Fujimaki
The plant species eaten by hazel grouse in the southern part of the Russian Far East, Vitalii A. Nechaev and Yuzo Fujimaki
Profile: Tim Lovel
Dead rats may save grouse from barriers
Issue 17 ()
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Grouse Specialist Group
Chairman's column: News from the Grouse Action Plan, Ilse Storch
The research programme for Finnish Grouse, Harto Lindén
Population dynamics of black grouse in managed boreal forests, Arto Marjakangas
The effects of hunting on the willow ptarmigan population: A short description of an ongoing project, Tor K Spidsø, Han Christian Pedersen, Harald Steen, Leif Kastdalen, and Webjorn Svendsen
Grouse and grouse researchers in Noway, Torstein Storaas
The reintroduction of capercaillie in Parc national des Cévennes, Christian Nappée
Investigations on Chinese grouse in comparison with hazel grouse and ruffed grouse: Landscape ecology, ecology and behaviour, Siegfried Klaus, Yue-Hua Sun, Yun Fang, and Wolfgang Scherzinger
Brief note
Erratum for Grouse News, issue 16 (December 1998), Ilse Storch
Issue 18 (December 1999)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Grouse Specialist Group
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Genetic markers for studying spatial structure of grouse populations, Gernot Segelbacher and Ilse Storch
Eighth International Grouse Symposium
Decline of capercaillie in Scotland
Grouse snippet
Black grouse are flourishing, Tim Lovel
Issue 19 (2000)
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Grouse Specialist Group
IUCN Grouse Action Plan available soon
Implementing the Grouse Action Plan, or why three parents are better than one, Philip McGowan
Russian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus from the wild released into Thuringian forests, Siegfried Klaus and Karin Graf
A research project on limiting factors for Cantabrian caperailJie José Ramón Obeso
Changes of capercaillie habitats with altitude in Slovenia, Miran Cas
Portraits of GSG committee members: Siegfried Klaus and Alexander V. Andreev
Sun Yue-Hua awarded for his continued project on the Chinese grouse
Conservation biological study on the Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi and other endemic birds in southern Gansu, China, Sun Yue-Hua
Welcome to 9th International Grouse Symposium in China
Conference announcement: The Fate of Black Grouse in Moors and Heathlands of Europe, Liège, Belgium, September 26-29, 2000
Issue 20 (2000)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
The Gunnison sage grouse: Can sexual selection increase the rate of speciation and extinction? Jessica Young
Hazel grouse in Mongolia, A, Bold
Compared modeling of climatic influences on black grouse population dynamics in Europe: Summary of the doctoral thesis, Michèle Loneux
Nest predation on ground nesting birds in Bavaria in relation to the distance to farmland and habitat structure, Evi Tschunko
Eggs of spruce grouse lose water faster than eggs of ruffed grouse, J. F. Bendell and J. J. Bendell-Young
Monitoring of black grouse in the Belluno Province (eastern Italian Alps), M. Ramanzin, M. Bottazzo, S. Fuser, G. Sommavilla
Grouse: Status survey and action plan 2000-2004, compiled by Ilse Storch
Capercaillie and woodpeckers as indicators in alpine forests: Applications and limitations as conservation tools, Irene Fischer
Announcement: Grouse Symposium 2002
Copyright 1996-2000, the authors of the respective items and World Pheasant International. Used by permission