Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies
Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters
Date of this Version
Document Type
Grouse News 21-30 (2001-2005)
World Pheasant Association International
Editor: Diana Lovel
Alternate title: Grouse News: Newsletter of the WPA/BirdLife/Species Survival Commission Grouse Specialist Group
Online as of issue 24 (December 2002)
Issue 21 (2001)
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Present distribution and numbers of black grouse in the Czech Republc, I. Malkova Petra, Stastny Karel, and Bejcek Vladimir
Capercaillie in the Czech Republic, Malkova Petra, Stastny Karel, and Bejcek Vladimir
Avalanche prevention causes disturbance of grouse around French ski stations, Emmanuel Menoni
New fencing material tested in France, Emmanuel Menoni
The fate of the black grouse, Ing. Roelof Heringa
Co Co Co Cocks, Michele Loneux
Update of number of capercaillie in the Vosges Mountains, Jean Poirot and Francoise Preiss
Use of Sandsage habitat by lesser prairie-chickens in Southwestern Kansas, Cristian Hagen. James Pitman, Bob Robel, Curran Salter
Editor's Postbag
Issue 22 (Winter 2001)
Editorial, Diana Lovel
Dick Potts, Tim Lovel
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
A study of rock ptarmigan in the Natural Park Vancise, Andre Miquel
Use of sandsage habitat by lesser prairie-chickens in southwestern Kansas: Progress report, C. Hagen, J. Pitman, B. Robel, and C. Salter
Club Galliformes bulletin, Tim Lovel
Ten-itoriality and movements of Chinese grouse at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, China, S. Klaus, S. Yue-Hua, and Fang Yun
Welcome to the 9th Lnternational Grouse Symposium in Beijing, Sun Yue-Hua
Grouse as a conservation tool, M. Breuss and P. Anglestam
The Game Conservancy Trust research, N. W. Sutherton
Issue 23 (Summer 2002)
Chairman's column, Ilse Storch
Editorial, Tim Lovel and Diana Lovel
Effects of forest size and forest fragmentation on predation rate of artificial ground nests in two regions of the Swiss Alps, Dominik Thiel and Kurt Bollmann
Dynamics of capercaillie in the Swiss Alps: Metapopulation modelling at the landscape scale: A project description, Kurt Bollmann
The programme of black grouse and capercai llie protection in northeastern Poland, Michal Kaszuba
From genes to populations in capercaillie: How we could use genetic markers for conservation purposes, Gernot Segelbacher
Population viability analysis and habitat selection by capercaillie: A central European perspective for grouse management, Sébastian Sachot
Conservation biology of an emblematic species of alpine ecosystems, the black grouse: Risks induced by landscape alterations and touristical activities, implications for the upper subalpine biocenose, and targeted conservation measures, Raphaël Arlettaz, Sébastian Sachot, Marjana Baltic, and Luca Rotelli
Capercaillie research programme at the Vogelwarte Radolfzell: A brief report on projects now underway, Peter Berthold, Manfred Lieser, Karl-Engen Schroth, Gernot Segelbacher, and Ulrich Querner
On spatial resolution in habitat models: Can small-scale forest structure explain capercaillie numbers? Ilse Storch
A grouse meeting in Thuringia, Siegi Klaus and Jo Wiesner
Book review
Issue 24 (December 2002)
From the Chair
News from GSG Grouse Specialist Group Audit
New Grouse Specialist Group Website
Clarifying the status of the Caucasian black grouse
Grouse people in Beijing: the 9th International Grouse Symposium
Post-symposium excursion to Lianhuashan Reserve
Publications from the International Grouse Symposium
Conservation News
Capercaillie to be red-listed in Belarus?
Caper Petition from Scotland
The Black Grouse Recovery Project, North Pennines, UK
Research Reports Capercaillie and forest land biodiversity in Slovenia
Captive grey partridges and capercaillie differ vitally from their wild conspecifics
The black grouse project in the Veglia Devero National Park
Nest predation risk and farmland in Bavaria
New PhD Project on translocation of Russian capercaillie to Thuringia
European Black Grouse Conference September 2003
Study trip to Scotland March 2003
Galliformes listserver launched
Issue 25 (June 2003)
From the Chair
News from GSG Clarifying the status of the Caucasian black grouse: Next steps
From WPA
Conservation News Saving Tetrao urogallus major, BREHM 1831, in Belarus
New EU LIFE-Nature Cooperation Project “Grouse and Tourism in NATURA 2000 areas” started in April 2003
Scottish Capercaillie Life project 8 Sage-Grouse Listing Petitions
Capercaillie conservation in Switzerland
Research Reports The status of leks and the threat of pastoralism on remaining capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) subpopulations on Menina, Slovenia
Habitat requirements of black grouse (Tetrau tetrix L.) on Pohorje Mountain, northeast Slovenia
Can landscape change explain Black Grouse declines in central Europe? A new project
IUCN 2002 Red List – lesser prairie chicken vulnerable
Publications from the International Grouse Symposium
International Conference: Conservation of the Caucasian Black Grouse, Georgia 2003
European Conference: Black Grouse – Endangered species of Europe, Czech Republic 2003
Issue 26 (December 2003)
From the Chair
Conservation News
Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus population size and range trend. Will the capercaillie survive in the Cantabrian Mountains?
Construction projects in black grouse habitats – guidelines
International conference – Caucasian Black Grouse Conservation
Research Reports
How susceptible are capercaillies Tetrao urogallus to human disturbances? A new PhD project
Experimental burning, cutting and cattle grazing in a Scottish native pinewood important for western capercaillie Tetrao urogallus
New project: Caucasian black grouse research, monitoring and conservation management in Georgia
Autumn display in the Caucasian black grouse Tetrao mlokosiewiczi: Observations in the Kasbegi Reserve, Georgia
New Books
Of Partridges & Peacocks - and of things about which I knew nothing
Polish capercaillie monograph
New book on capercaillie
New distribution maps of 3 palearctic grouse species: Hazel grouse, Chinese grouse and Siberian spruce grouse
Survival of the hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia rupestris in the Jura Mountains. Between board and lodging
Translation and interpreting
The GSG keeps growing
Proceedings from the 9th International Grouse Symposium
Issue 27 (May 2004)
From the Chair
News from GSG GSG Members visit Scottish Capercaillie LIFE Project
From WPA 3 Grouse online: the GSG web site is growing
Conservation News Caucasian black grouse in Iran
Captive management of the Caucasian black grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewicsi) in the Armenian Centre for Biodiversity Conservation
Improving the conservation status of the Caucasian black grouse in Turkey
Research Reports Capercaillie research in the Black Forest: Combining radio tracking and genetic data
Capercaillie management in Scotland
Dissertation synopsis – Ruffed grouse Bonasa umbellus habitat ecology in the central and southern Appalachian Mountains
Ruffed grouse and American woodcock. Status in Michigan, 2003
Book Reviews Of Partridges & Peacocks - and of things about which I knew nothing
Cynhadledd Ceiliog y Rhos, Black Grouse endangered species. First announcement European conference
Correction of e-mail Brigitte Geddes
Issue 28 (November 2004)
From the Chair
News from GSG Hazel grouse meeting in Auzet (France) 19-23 April 2004
Conservation News Decline halted in Scottish capercaillie
Conservation of Caucasian black grouse in Azerbaijan
Development of the reintroduced capercaillie population in the Parc national des Cévennes
Research Reports
Testing existing markers for studying genetic variability in Caucasian black grouse (Tetrao mlokosiewicsi): A pilot study
No clear mitochondrial DNA structure in the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) population in Finland
First results of a hazel grouse population study in the south-eastern French Alps
Conservation of the Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus): A challenge at the edge of the species distribution
Ruffed grouse research and management in the Appalachian region: The Appalachian Cooperative Grouse Research Project
New Books
Blue Grouse. Their Biology and Natural History
Xth International Grouse Symposium 26-30 September 2005, France
WPA Galliform Genetic Group
English-German interpreting and translating services
Issue 29 (May 2005)
From the Chair
Hunting Statutory and sociological aspects of grouse hunting in France
Challenging dogma, changing paradigms: Sage-grouse harvest management in the United States
Hunting grouse in Great Britain
Conservation News Improving the conservation status of the Caucasian black grouse in Turkey: Update on activities in 2004
Research Reports A new Siberian capercaillie Tetrao urogalloides project in the Kolyma uplands / Magadan district, Russia
The re-introduction of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) in the Harz Mountains National Park – state of the art and a PhD project in process
A multi-scale analysis of capercaillie habitat in the Swiss Alps
A noninvasive technique to evaluate human-generated stress in the black grouse
Xth International Grouse Symposium 26 – 30th September 2005, second announcement
Black grouse conference, Ruthin, North Wales 2005
Ruffed grouse ecology and management in the Appalachian region
GSG information at IUCN web-site
In Memoriam In memory of Ingemar Hjort
In memory of Paul Dye
Issue 30 (November 2005)
From the Chair
News from GSG From WPA
Grouse Specialist Group workshop at 10th IGS, Luchon, France, September 2005
Conservation News A management strategy for North American grouse
A captive breeding programme for Cantabrian capercaillie: does it make any sense?
Research Reports Quantifying the impact of predator removal on moors managed for red grouse on other ground nesting birds – progress report
Greater sage-grouse response to natural gas field development in Western Wyoming
Conferences 3rd International Black Grouse Conference, Ruthin – North Wales, March 2005
10th International Grouse Symposium, Luchon, France, 26-30 September 2005
Snippets Grouse Symposium manuscripts
New project: Analysing metapopulation dynamics of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in the Swiss Alps – ranking different conservation strategies
The Cantabrian Capercaillie Center
4th International Black Grouse Conference, 16th-21st Sept 2007, Vienna, Austria. 1st announcement 27 New GSG website pages
Wildlife Publication Award
Publication from the 3rd International Black Grouse Conference, Ruthin, North Wales
Copyright 2001-2005, World Pheasant Association International and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission