Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Grouse News 51-60 (2016-2020)

Published by the IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group

Alternate title: Grouse News: Newsletter of the Grouse Group of the IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group


Copyright 2016-2020, IUCN/SSC Galliformes Specialist Group and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Issue 51 (May 2016)

From the Editor

From the Chair of the Grouse Group and from the Galliformes Specialist Group

Research Reports

Our view: Greater sage-grouse habitat restoration: Sound science or wishful thinking?

Grouse News

Developing an Index to Sooty Grouse Abundance in Western Oregon, USA

Dusky and sharp-tailed grouse project starting near Clinton, BC addressing the effects of biosolids on grouse behavior and diet

Grouse research in North America: revisiting the forgotten forest grouse

New national survey of capercaillie in Scotland

Conferences 6th International Symposium on Galliformes 2016

The 16th NKV Congress

The 33rd IUGB and 14th Perdix Congress, Montpellier, France August 22-25, 2017

IUCN World conservation congress 2016

Abstracts from 13th IGS Oral presentations

Genetics: Abstracts 515-518, 602-606

Management and conservation: Abstracts 607-617, 701-721

Poster presentations

Genetics: Abstracts 536-539

Management and conservation: Abstracts 540-553

Recent grouse literature


Grouse Group in search of Website Editor

Issue 52 (December 2016)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group

Research Reports

Overview of a Workshop to Expand the Use of Emerging Technology to Understand the Ecology of Grouse in a Changing Climate

Use of camera traps to record activity on sage-grouse leks

Project in progress: the impact of wind turbines on capercaillie

New Books

The North American Grouse, their biology and behavior


The 33rd International Union of Game Biologists Congress: 14th Perdix Symposium

Summary of talks on grouse for 3 conferences

Recent grouse literature

Issue 53 (May 2017)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group

Research Reports

The edge also matters: Human threats in a rare Mediterranean habitat for Cantabrian capercaillie

The 10 main results of the LIFE+ Cantabrian Capercaillie Project

Investigating the relative effects of predation, from crows (Corvus corone), and inter-specific competition, from black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), on capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) population dynamics

Swedish Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in the Netherlands

Utah Forest Grouse Research Project

Projected future bioclimate-envelope suitability for bird species in south central USA

Project Update: The Effects of Conifer Encroachment and Removal on Greater Sage-Grouse

WHAT the HECK is a Lek?

Project in progress: The use of bioacoustics to improve rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) spring counts in the French Alps and Pyrenees


Trends of modern population dynamics, and the ecology of forest grouses in Eurasia

The 2017 Prairie Grouse Technical Council meeting

The 14th International Grouse Symposium

Recent grouse literature

Issue 54 (December 2017)

From the Editor

From the Chair

Research Reports Restoring sharp-tailed grouse to western Montana: MSU graduate students evaluate restoration potential and develop recovery recommendations

A possible impact of anthropogenic noise on male lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance in Kansas

Evaluating the influence of habitat structure on the movement rates of gallinaceous chicks

A reply on the 10 main results of the LIFE+ Cantabrian Capercaillie Project

Open questions in sound production of Siberian grouse Falcipennis falcipennis Hartlaub 1855

Climate change and bird reproduction: warmer springs benefit breeding success in boreal forest grouse


Grouse Presentations at the Wildlife Society Conference in Albuquerque, September 23-27, 2017

Grouse Presentations at the Prairie Grouse Technical Council Conference in Dickinson, North Dakota, October 17-19, 2017

International Grouse Symposium 2018, Logan, Utah, United States

Recent grouse literature

In memoriam: Vidar Marcström 1924 -2017

Issue 55 (May 2018)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group

Conservation News

Cairngorms Capercaillie Framework HLF Bid: Summary of proposal

Research Reports

Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) parasitism of a greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) nest in Nebraska

Evaluating Greater prairie-chicken vocalizations: Assessing variation in lek vocalizations at an existing wind energy facility in Nebraska

Female Cantabrian capercaillie dead by collision with wind turbine

Does transforming geographical axes to climatic ones give new insights into the spatial distribution of the two capercaillie species (Tetrao urogallus, T. parvirostris)?

Movement, survival, and nest monitoring of rock ptarmigan in Game Management Unit 13B, 2013– 2017R

The importance of individual heterogeneity for interpreting faecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels in wildlife studies

Conferences The 14th International Grouse Symposium

Biology, ecology and protection of Galliformes in Poland and Europe

Recent grouse literature

In memoriam: David Archibald Boag: January 24, 1934 –December 6, 2017

Issue 56 (December 2018)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group


International Grouse Symposium 1978-2018

14th International Grouse Symposium Logan, Utah, USA 2018

East fieldtrip

West fieldtrip

Post-conference fieldtrip

The 33rd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting

The 15th International Grouse Symposium

Abstracts from 14th IGS

Plenary talks




Resource selection

Population dynamics

Grouse ecology


Oral presentations



Resource selection

Population dynamics

Grouse ecology


Poster presentations


Sage Grouse, icon of the west

Save the last dance: A story of the American grassland grouse

Recent grouse literature


Validation of stable isotope and scat analysis for determining dietary proportions and trophic dynamics in plains sharp-tailed grouse

The Cairngorms Capercaillie Project

In memoriam: Dr. John E. Toepfer, 1948-2018

Issue 57 (May 2019)

From the Editor

From the Chair

Research Reports

The Caucasian Black Grouse in Azerbaijan

Plant-derived food resources of Japanese rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta japonica) identified by DNA barcoding using rbcL local database constructed from alpine plants found in the Japan’s Northern Alps

Use of sedation to reduce stress during handling and transportation of the grey partridge (Perdix perdix) as a model for wild galliformes

Conservation of Spruce Grouse: Population Viability, Population Management, and Management of Habitat in Lowland Boreal Forests of New York


Modern Trends of Population Dynamics and Ecology of Forest Eurasian Tetraonids

New Books

Le Grand Tétras

Recent grouse literature

In memoriam: Fred C. Zwickel, 1926–2018

Issue 58 (December 2019)

From the Editor

From the Chair

Conservation News Sage-Grouse Population Declines: Species in Crisis and Agencies in Denial

Research Reports

Dramatic decline of the Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus population in the Black Forest

The impact of wind energy facilities on grouse: a systematic review

Annual change in forest grouse in southern Norway: variation explained by temperatures, bilberry seed production and the lunar nodal phase cycle

Do snow depth and interspecific competition stabilise the sympatric zone of capercaillies (Tetrao urogallus and T. parvirostris)? Hypothesis

Habitat selectivity of tetraonid birds in the “Bryansky Les” Nature Reserve (southwest Russia) in autumn

The mating time of the capercaillie in the Pyrenees and the Jura become earlier and earlier

Roosting trees constrain hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) winter occurrence in the Swiss Prealps

First reported case of a mad male hazel grouse in the wild

Modelling future wildlife habitat suitability: Serious climate change impacts on the potential distribution of the rock ptarmigan Lagopus muta japonica in Japan’s northern Alps


Grouse Talks at the Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada: September 30–October 3, 2019

33rd Biennial Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting, November 4-7, 2019, Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Recent grouse literature

Researchers and their Best Friend Assistants Bird Dogs in Grouse Research

Issue 59 (May 2020)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group

News from the Grouse Group Conservation News

Status of southern white-tailed ptarmigan

California and Nevada sage-grouse will not be listed under ESA

Research Reports

Very old capercaillies recorded in the Northern Alps

Greater prairie-chicken reproductive failure following extreme precipitation events

Description of the parasitic community of mountain Galliformes in the Italian Alps: A large scale and long-term monitoring

Validation of stable isotope analysis for determining dietary proportions and trophic dynamics in plains sharp-tailed grouse


The 15th International Grouse Symposium Białystok, Poland 2021

New Books

The Moorland Balance

Recent grouse literature

Researchers and their Best Friend Assistants

Canines as biodetectors for conservation work


Capercaillie and black grouse on stamps

Ring-necked Pheasant on a Sharp-tailed Grouse lek

In memoriam: Adam Watson: April 14, 1930–January 24, 2019

In memoriam: James Francis Bendell, 1926–2020

Issue 60 (December 2020)

From the Editor

From the Chair

News from the Galliformes Specialist Group News from the Grouse Group Conservation News Research Reports

Long-term trends of hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava), Czech Republic, 1972-2019

Evaluation of 10 years Black Forest capercaillie action plan: Declining population trend and deficits in the implementation of conservation measures

The impact of wind turbines on capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus): Summary of an international research project

Decline of the boreal willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) has been accelerated by more frequent snow-free springs

Grounds for improving the implementation of game-oriented forest management: A double sampling survey of Finnish forest owners and professionals

Fall diet in sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus jamesi) and consumption of the grasshopper Melanoplus dawsoni in Alberta, Canada

Prairie Grouse Population Trends and their Historical Drivers in the Nebraska Sandhills


Grouse presentations at 2020 Wildlife Society Conference

Grouse presentations at 2020 North American Ornithological Conference

34th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council – October 4-9, 2021

The 15th IGS in 2021 is postponed 35 New Books 36 Auerhühner & Co. Heimliche Vögel in wilder Natur

Recent grouse literature

Researchers and their Best Friend Assistants

Pointing dogs and grouse: A narrative


Grouse on stamps

In memoriam: Harto Lindén, December 19, 1948-April 4, 2020

In memoriam: Arthur Norman Lance
