Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Megapode Newsletter

17(1) (April 2003), 18(1) (October 2004), 19(1) (December 2005), 20(1) (July 2007), 21(1) (February 2008), 21(2) (July 2008)

Published by the World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and the SSC Megapode Specialist Group

Alternate title: BirdLife/WPA/SSC Megapode Specialist Group Megapode Newsletter

Alternate title: WPA/ BirdLife/SSC Megapode Specialist Group Megapode Newsletter


Copyright 2003-2008, WPA, BirdLife International, SSC Megapode Specilaist Group, and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Volume 17, Number 1 (April 2003)

Editors: René W. R. J. Dekker and Darryl N. Jones

Viable population of Bruijn's Brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii discovered, Iwein Mauro

A new, a forgotten and a lost specimen of Bruijn's Brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii, C. W. Moeliker, C. J. Heij, J. N. J. Post, and E. J. O. Kompanje

Successful synanthropy in an Australian megapode, Darryl N. Jones

Monitoring the Nicobar megapode Megapodius nicobariensis: Phase I, Current status and conservation of the Nicobar megapode Megapodius nicobariensis, K. Sivakumar

Megapode Genetics Project proposal, Gillian C. Baker

Polynesian megapode Megapodius pritchardii status survey on Late and Fonualei, René W. R. J. Dekker

Successful hatching of a wattled brush-turkey Aepypodius arfakianus in the Amsterdam Zoo Artis, René W. R. J. Dekker

Recent publications

Volume 18, Number 1 (October 2004)

Editors: René W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gillian C. Baker

Megapode Symposium, Dehra Dun, India: Abstracts

Non-invasive genetic methods for the study of Megapodes and other Galliformes, Gillian C. Baker

The secrets of success: A megapode thriving in urban environments in Australia, Darryl N. Jones

Surviving without parents: The life of megapode chicks, Ann Göth

Summary of results of five years megapode research and conservation, 2000-2004, René W. R. J. Dekker

No sign of translocated Polynesian Megapodes on Late Island, Kingdom of Tonga, Dick Watling

Contributions to the Annual Review of the World Pheasant Association: News from Australia, Darryl N. Jones

The Philippine megapode Megapodius cumingii on Sangalaki, East Kalimantan, Indonesia: Observations and conservation through rat eradication, Guntram G. Meier

Problems regarding the systematic position of Macrocephalon, Sander Pieterse

Reply to Pieterse, Sharon Birks

WPA Galliform Genetics Group

Recent publications

Volume 19, Number 1 (December 2005)

Editors: René W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gillian C. Baker

Behavioural observations in two young Malleefowl, Jessica van der Waag

Successful re-introduction of the Moluccan megapode Eulipoa wallacei at the Haruku Village nesting grounds, Haruku Island, Moluccas, Indonesia, C.J. Heij

Recent publications

Volume 20, Number 1 (July 2007)

Editors: Gillian C. Baker, René W. R. J. Dekker, and Darryl N. Jones

In brief: Endangered Bruijn's brush-turkey photographed for the first time

Malleefowl in the fragmented Western Australian wheatbelt: Spatial and temporal analysis of a threatened species, Blair Parsons

Report of Conservation Activities at Maleo Nesting Ground Libuun, Taima, Tompotika, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia August 2006–June 2007, Marcy Summers

Maleo nesting ground project in Tangkoko, North-Sulawesi, Indonesia, Jaco van As

The release of 4000th maleo chick in Sulawesi, John Tasirin

Update: Nicobar megapode status, ecology and conservation: Aftermath tsunami, K. Sivakumar

Recent publications

Volume 21, Number 1 (February 2008)

Editors: Gillian C. Baker, René W. R. J. Dekker, and Darryl N. Jones

In brief: Red List update

In brief: Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

Recent meetings: KATANNING 2007: National Malleefowl Forum and First Western Australian Megapode Symposium: The Malleefowl Forum 2007, Stephen Davies

An outsider’s view of the Malleefowl Forum 2007, J. Ross Sinclair

Oral presentation abstracts: Progress toward a national system of monitoring and adaptive management, Joe Benshemesh

A review of the implications of mound monitoring: Detailed discussions of the Natural Heritage Trust Multi-regional Malleefowl project, Ann Stokie

New South Wales Malleefowl Roundup 2007, Peter Ewin

Victorian State Report for Malleefowl 2004-2007, Peter Stokie

Malleefowl Conservation in South Australia: Achievements from 2004 to 2007, Sharon Gillam

Conservation genetics of malleefowl, Raoul Mulder, Peter Dunn, and Steve Donnellan

Nganamara in South Australia’s Aboriginal lands, Thalie Partridge and Matthew Ward

Western Plains Zoo Malleefowl Breeding Program, 1998–2007, Judith Gillespie

The conservation and management of megapodes in the Indo-Pacific, J. Ross Sinclair

Bruijn's brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii: Field discovery, monitoring, and conservation of an enigma, Iwein Mauro

Megapodes in Northern Australia, Darryl N. Jones

Malleefowl in the Western Australian wheatbelt: An ecological study informed by community knowledge, Blair Parsons

Biology of young malleefowl, Jessica van der Waag

Post-release survival of captive-bred malleefowl in western New South Wales, Andrea Wilson, Chris Coombes, Remy Dehaan, and A. L. Wilson

Malleefowl searches at Yeelirrie station in arid WA: A valuable collaboration between industry and volunteers, Joe Benshemesh, Susanne Dennings, and Carl Danzi

Researching malleefowl monitoring sites: The Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group perspective, Peter Stokie

Does the integrity or structure of mallee habitat influence the degree of fox predation on malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata)? David Priddel, Robert Wheeler, and Peter Copley

Posters: The Friends of North Eastern Malleefowl, Mick Davis

Western Plains Zoo Malleefowl Breeding Program, 1998–2007, Judith Gillespie

Presentatios without abstracts: Malleefowl work in Western Australia, Carl Danzi; Malleefowl at Mt. Gibson minesite, Martine Scheltema; Malleefowl in the Little Desert, Raymond C. Reichelt

Recent publications

Volume 21, Number 2 (July 2008)

Editors: Gillian C. Baker, René W. R. J. Dekker, and Darryl N. Jones

Future of the Galliformes specialist groups

In brief: Bruijn's brush turkey re-classified

Binerean: A promising maleo conservation site, Johny S. Tasirin

New projects: Research into the mating system of the Australian brush-turkey (Alectura lathami), David Wells

Stay tuned…… for a new book on megapodes, Ann Göth

Recent publications
