Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


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PQF News: Newsletter of the Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group, Issues 7-12 (1996-1998)

A publication of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, and the World Pheasant Association

Editor issues 7-11: John P. Carroll

Editor issue 12: Paul North


Copyright 1996-1998, IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, World Pheasant Association, and the authors. Used by permission


The purpose of the newsletter is to receive details of new projects, re-assessments of the status of relevant species, interesting discoveries or observations, taxonomic changes, conservation successes or threats and anything else that members might find interesting. We would like in future issues to produce a list of relevant publications which appear during the year in order to keep members up-to-date with current information. We will publish requests for contacts or information, advertisements for conferences and workshops and news of projects and project proposals.

Issue 7 (Autumn 1996)

Foreword by John P. Carroll

In focus: Punjab Wildlife Research and Training Centre, Faisalabad

English names by Philip McGowan

The Swamp Francolin Conservation Project: Dudwa National Park and Tiger Reserve by Perwez Equable

Breeding of grey francolins by cillagers in Agra District by Brij K. Gupta

Initiation of the European Quail Working Group

Report from the CPPC Committee of WPA

Mountain quail seen in India???

Expedition to Malawi

Action Plan update

Spot-winged wood-quail in Argentina

The Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group contact addresses

Issue 8 (Autumn 1996)

Foreword by John P. Carroll

In focus: Punjab Wildlife Research and Training centre, Faisalabad

Status and ecology of black and grey fancolins in agricultural land in the Punjab, Pakistan by Rashid A. Khan

Suggested corrections for some central Eurasian species from the Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Action Plan (1995-1999) by Roald Potapov

Tibetan partridges breeding in Ladakh, India by R. T. Chacko

Search for Nahan's francolin successful

Action Plan update

The Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group contact addresses

Issue 9 (Apring 1997)

Foreword by John P. Carroll

In focus: Stiftung Avifauna Protecta

Chestnut-throated partridge in Tibet by Mike Rank

Blue quail becoming rare?

A survey of Nahan's francolin Francolinus nahani Dubois in the tropical rainforests of Uganda by C. Dranzoa, E. Sande, I. Owinunji, and A. Plumptre

Search for northern populations of bearded-tree partridge

Chicago Zoological Society grants to specialist groups

Captive Breeding Advisory Committee of WPA changes its name

Action Plan update

The Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group contact addresses

Issue 10 (Autumn 1997)

Foreword by John P. Carroll

Conservation of wildlife: Strategy and plan with special reference to pheasants by Musa Nordin

The establishment and preliminary analyses of the site records database for Chinese Galliformes by Ding Chang-qing and Zheng Guan-mei

Orange-necked hill partridge in Vietnam by Jonathan Eames

Mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence among rock partridge populations by V. Lucchini and E. Randi

Physiological problems associated with hand-rearing of Galliformes for the release to the wild: Using common species as models for endangered species research by Ahti Putaala

The protected area network of Sarawak: Emphasis and needs for conservation of habitats and wildlife species by Sapuan Ahmad and Melvin Gumal

Nesting success of the swamp francolin Francolinus gularis in northern India by Perwez Iqubal, Philip MacGowan, and Adad Rahmani

Play-back survey of the Venezuelan wood-quail in Pittier National Park by John P. Carroll

The role of nutrition in the conservation of pheasants by Christine Sheppard and Ellen Dierenfeld

Altai snowcock in China by Mike Rank

Himalayan snowcock in captivity by Ma Ming

Wildlife studies in north-east India by Rahul Kaul, A. Ahmed, and D. Ktju

Earthwatch news item

New species to United Kingdom aviculture

Chicago Zoological Society grant supports Nahans francolin research

Northeastern Avicultural Society awards grant to support swamp francolin surveys

Action Plan, 2000-2004 edition

Conserving Vitality and Diversity: Proceedings of the World Conservation Workshop on Invasive Species news item

Action Plan update

The Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group contact addresses

Issue 11 (Spring 1998)

Foreword by John P. Carroll

Hill partridges of the Singhalila National Park: A brief note by Sarala Khaling and Rahul Kaul

Live Bird Trade in Northern India by Ahbrar Ahmed

SSC Executive Committee meeting, September 23-24, 1997

SSC Wildlife Trade Program

Respones to blue quail in East Africa, comments by Neil Baker and Malcom Ellis

Re-organization of the Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Specialist Group

The role of plumage ornaments in female mate choice and male/female competition in two species of New World quail: Insights into ornament function in Galliformes by Julie C. Hagelin

Cracid Specialist Group Newsletter, news item

Perdix VIII, September 26-29, 1998 in Hungary

Genetics and Conservation of the Galliformes, September 24-26, 1998 in Italy

Species Survival Commission Wildlife Trade Program: PQF focal points

Association of Avian Veterinarians Conservation grants

Galliform TAG reps for specialist groups

Proposal submission by PQF for small grant program

New web page on European quail

New newsletter editor starting with the next issue: Paul North

Action Plan update

The Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group contact addresses

Issue 12 (Autumn 1998)

Action plan revision by Philip McGowan

Survey on endemic Javan Hill partridges a preliminary report by Vincent Nijman

Bearded wood-partridge discovered in Mexican State of Querétaro by Jack C. Eitniear, Alvaro Aragon Tapia, Victor Gonzalez and John T. Baccus

Postage stamps: Rednecked francolin Pternistis afer humboldti and Harlequin quail Coturnix delegorguei delgorguei

PQF Project Award

Obituary: Ing. Wiesław Dudziński (1936-1994) by Ryszard Dzieciolowski
