Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Megapode Newsletter

12(3) (December 1998), 14(1) (April 2000), 14(2) (November 2000), 15(1) (May 2001), 16(1) (August 2002)

Published by the World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and the SSC Megapode Specialist Group

Alternate title: BirdLife/WPA/SSC Megapode Specialist Group Megapode Newsletter

Alternate title: WPA/ BirdLife/SSC Megapode Specialist Group Megapode Newsletter


Copyright 1998-2002, World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, SSC Megapode Specilaist Group, and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Volume 12, Number 3 (December 1998)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

Project description: Ontogeny of behaviour in the Australian brush-turkey Alectura lathami, Ann Göth

Notes on the nesting grounds of the Moluccan megapode Eulipoa wallacei at Amahai and desa Iha Baru (Elpaputih), South Seram, Indonesia, C. J. Heij

Maleo survey and conservation project, Gillian C. Baker

Nesting biology of the Vanuatu megapode Megapodius layardi on Ambrym, Vanuatu, Tanya Foster

Volume 13, Number 1 (July 1999)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

SHOCing news . . . Fourth International Megapode Symposium

Proceedings of the Third International Megapode Symposium, Nhill, Australia, December 1997

Megapode Action Plan 2000-2004. Richard Fuller

New research: Australian brush-turkey parasites: Implications for inter-population relationships, Darryl N. Jones and Heather Proctor

Notes on the Melanesian megapode Megapodius eremita and Vanuatu megapode Megapodius layardi, Guy Dutson

The Melanesian megapode Megapodius eremita on Simbo, Solomon Islands: Participatory research towards a management plan, Ross Sinclair, Posala Unusu, and Lorima Tuke

Volume 14, Number 1 (April 2000)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

The Fourth International Megapode Symposium, Darryl N. Jones and Rene W. R. J. Dekker

Abstracts: Female-female aggression in Australian brush-turkeys Alectura lathami, Sharon M. Birks

Living without parents: How hatchlings of the Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami survive, Ann Göth

Relationship between time since fire and summer food resources for malleefowl Leipoa ocellata, Russell Harlen and David Priddel

Mound characteristics of the orange-footed megapode Megapodius reinwardt in the Darwin region of northern Australia, Chris Healey

Metapopulation structure of Australian brush-turkeys Alectura lathami as indicated by their arthropod symbiotes: Do mites and lice behave like mitochondrial DNA? Darryl N. Jones and Heather Proctor

Hatcheries and closed seasons in the management of the communal nesting Melanesian megapode Megapodius eremita, J. Ross Sinclair

Partnerships in the Nicobar megapode Megapodius nicobariensis, Kuppusamy Sivakumar and Ravi Sankaran

Selection of incubation mound-sites by three sympatric megapodes in Papua New Guinea, J. Ross Sinclair

Request for megapode shell material, Simon Clarke

Request for new megapode incubation data, Darryl N. Jones

Recent publications

Volume 14, Number 2 (November 2000)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

The Fourth International Megapode Symposium

News about Bruijn's brush-turkey and Waigeo, René W. R. J. Dekker

Megapode Action Plan 2000-2004

Management recommendations for three sympatric species of megapode in Papua New Guinea, J. Ross Sinclair

Recent publications

Volume 15, Number 1 (May 2001)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

Bruijn's brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii rediscovered on Waigeo, C. J. Heil and J. N. J. Post

Lape Forever: Research and monitoring of the Melanesian megapode Megapodius eremita on Simbo Island, Solomon Islands 1997 to 1999, J. Ross Sinclair

Variations in egg and chick weight in the Australian brush-turkey Alectura lathami, Ann Göth

Dusky Megapodes Megapodius freycinet from Rumberpon Island, West Papua, Indonesia, Freddy Pattiselanno

Volume 16, Number 1 (August 2002)

Editors: Rene W. R. J. Dekker, Darryl N. Jones, and Gary J. Wiles

Bruijn's brush-turkey Aepypodius bruijnii for the first time observed in the wild, lwein Mauro

New study: The distribution of an urban megapode

Conservation status of Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) nesting grounds: An update, Gillian C. Baker

Summary of thesis: Survival, habitat selectivity and behavioural development of Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami chicks, Ann Göth

Recent publications

The Megapode and other Galliform Action Plans on the Internet
