Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

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PQF News: Newsletter of the Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group, Issues 13/14-19 (1999-2003)

A publication of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, and the World Pheasant Association

Editor: Paul North

Assistant editor, Issues 15-19: Jeffrey Thompson


Copyright 1999-2003, IUCN Species Survival Commission, BirdLife International, World Pheasant Association, and the authors. Used by permission


The purpose of the newsletter is to receive details of new projects, re-assessments of the status of relevant species, interesting discoveries or observations, taxonomic changes, conservation successes or threats and anything else that members might find interesting. We would like in future issues to produce a list of relevant publications which appear during the year in order to keep members up-to-date with current information. We will publish requests for contacts or information, advertisements for conferences and workshops and news of projects and project proposals.

Issue 13/14 (Spring/Autumn 1999)

Action Plan revision: A progress report, Richard Fuller

First nest records for the spotted wood-quail from premontane western Panamá, D .L .Roberts, L. Pomara, and A. Hartmann

Executive Committee, new appointment: Graham Hall

Symposium: Conservation of quails and cracids of Mexico and northern Central America, progam

Wildlife in Kashmir: Letters from Dr. Francis Rath

New distribution of Sichuan Hill-partridge by Dai Bo

Quail in legislature, India

Correction to Bearded Wood-Partridge discovered in Mexican State of Querétaro, Jack C. Eitniear, Alvaro Aragon Tapia, Victor Gonzalez and John T. Baccus from Issue 12

Announcement: International Symposium on Galliformes, September 23-October 1, 2000, Nepal

Issue 15 (Autumn 2000)

Partridge, Quail, and Francolin Action Plan update

International Galliformes Symposium a success

Red List of Threatened Species

Special session at the Neotropical Ornithological Congress devoted to cracids and quails, Monterrey, Mexico

Brighter future for the Sichuan Hill-partridge: A report on a recent visit to the range of the Sichuan Hill-partridge in southern Sichuan, Simon D. Dowell and Dai Bo

The Venezuelan wood-quail, Elisa Bonaccorso

Observations of elegant quail (Callipepla douglasii) in southern Nayarit, Mexico, Daniel M. Brooks

Where have the collections gone? Peter Galbusera

Global Positioning System: Improvement in accuracy

Recently published reports

Issue 16 (Autumn 2002)

From the Chairman, John P. Carroll

Field Notes on the grey-striped francolin (Francolinus griseostriatus) in western Angola, Pedro Vaz Pinto

Description of a black francolin (Francolinus francolinus) nest in Majathal Harsang Wildlife Sanctuary, India, Junid N. Shah

Rediscovering the Himalayan quail, Hilaluddin, Gautam Das, Rajiv Kalsi, Rahul Kaul, and S. Sathyakumar

Galliform records for Southern China (1997-99), John Fellowes

Review by Stephen Browne: Pheasant, Patridges and Grouse by Steve Madge and Philip McGowan

Issue 17 (Autumn 2002) duplicates Issue 16

Issue 18 (Spring 2003)

New listserver for galliform researchers is launched

From the IUCN

Action plans: Review of project progress from China, Peter Garson and Simon D. Dowell

Status of spotted wood-quail Odontophorus guttatus in Belize, Central America, Jack Clinton Eitniear

Recent Neotropical quail sightings, compiled by Jack Clinton Eitniear

Endangered Partridge discovered in Cambodia, Pete Davidson, Joe walston, and Colin Poole

Book reviews

Recent PQF literature, including noteworthy literature on Neotropical quails (compiled by Jack Clinton Eitniear

The Field Research Station for Tibetan Wildlife


Issue 19 (October 2003)

International Galliformes Symposium: India 2004

News from the Threatened Galliformes Forum

PQF Project funded and recent publications

New book: Of Partridges and Peacocks and of Things about Which I Knew Nothing: A Life in Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management, David Jenkins

Surveys for the Hainan hill partridge Arborophila ardens in Hainan island, China, Liang Wei, Wang Wenyi, SuWenba, and Li Shining

A Preliminary Report of the Himalayan Quail Ophrysia superciliosa Survey in the Western Himalayas, Gautum Das with assistance from Rajiv S. Kalsi, Rahul Kaul, S. Sathyakumar, Hilaluddin, Tej Razdan, Junid N. Shah, and Rajat Bhargava

Observations on the grey francolin (Francolinus pondicerianus ceylonensis Whistler) in the vicinity of the Giant’s Tank, Sri Lanka, S. Wijeyamohan, Rajnish Vandercone, and Charles Santiapillai
