Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

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G@llinformed: Newsletter of the IUCN-SSC/WPA Galliformes Specialist Group 1-7 (2009-2012)

Publication of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and the WPA Galliformes Specialist Group


Copyright 2009-2012, IUCN-SSC/WPA Galliformes Specialist Group and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Issue 1 (July 2009)

From the Co-chairs: Welcome to the Galliformes Specialist Group, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Welcome to the Species Survival Commission, Simon N. Stuart

Former Specialist Groups: From the Chairs of the former Specialist Groups, Ilse Storch, René Dekker, Richard Fuller, John P. Carroll, Peter Garson, and Rahul Kaul

Tinamous and cracids: The inclusion of the tinamous cracid conservation requires focused efforts and Conserving the Trinidad piping-guan, Jeffrey Thompson, Bennett Hennessey, and Howard Nelson

G@llinformed reports

Breeding ecology of grey junglefowl at Gudular Range, south India, N. Ramesh and M. C. Sathyanarayana

Studies continue with ‘at risk’ quail of Mexico and Central America, Jack C. Eitniear and John T. Baccus

Recent observations of Galliformes in degraded parts of Laos, J. W. Duckworth

G@llinformed comments

Black francolin and kalij pheasant in Dhading, Nepal, Raju Acharya Sharma

Rare birds get private beach, Wildlife Conservation Society

G@llinformed news

Guidelines for the re-introduction of Galliformes for conservation purposes, Philip McGowan and Pritpal S. Soorae

Proceedings of Gamebird 2006 – A joint conference Quail VI and Perdix XII, Bill Palmer and John P. Carroll

Future events: 5th International Black Grouse Conference in Europe and 5th International Galliformes Symposium

Issue 2 (December 2009)

From the C-Chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

The IUCN Red List: Plans and action: Red Listing birds: How BirdLife and the Galliformes Specialist Group work together, Stuart Butchart, Jez Bird, Peter Garson, and Richard Fuller

Your Red List needs you!Richard Fuller and Jez Bird

Hainan peacock-pheasant: Another CR species for the IUCN Red List? Nigel J. Collar

G@llinformed research reports

New information on habitat use by the Congo peafowl, M. Mulotwa, Michel Louette, A. Dudu, A. Upoki, and Richard Fuller

Observations of white-breasted guineafowl on Tiwai Island, Sierra Leone, April Conway, John P. Carroll, and Sonia M. Hernández

Reticulated python predation on silver pheasant in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, Niti Sukumal and Tommaso Savini

Diet and habitat selection in Cantabrian capercaillie: Ecological differentiation of a southern edge population, Beatriz Blanco-Fontao and Mario Quevedo

Study completed on the preferred habitat of the black-throated bobwhite quail in the Manatee Forest Reserve, Belize, Jack C. Eitniear, Celeshia Guy, and Elma Kay

The masked bobwhite quail: A bird on the edge Recognizing curassow diversity: Crax fasciolata pinima as a case study, Robert Mesta

Recognizing curassow diversity: Crax fasciolata pinima as a case study, Luís Fábio Silveira

G@llinformed comments/letters

Traditional trap used for capturing pheasants in Pakistan, Muhammad Naeem Awan

Megapodes are given a helping hand through community conservation agreements, Gill Baker

Exciting news for the blue-billed curassow Genetic structure of Mediterranean chukar (Alectoris chukar, Galliformes) populations: Conservation and management implications, Fundación ProAves

Genetic structure of Mediterranean chukar (Alectrois chukar, Galliformes) populations: Conservation and management implications, Filippo Barbanera

Range extension of Tragopan blythii blythii into north bank of R. Brahamputra, Rahul Kaul, Alok Kumar, and Abhijit Bhawal

Gunnison sage-grouse reconsidered, The Wildlife Society and Luara M. Bies

G@llinformed news

ARKive spreads its wings in the pursuit of imagery

The Per Wegge Jubilee Symposium, Morten Odden and Erlend B. Nilsen

Chinese Birds journal, Pengjun Cheng

Information required on Sicilian rock partridge, Gordon Campbell

5th European Conference on Black Grouse, Anna Suchowolec

Recent papers by GSG members

Future events: 25th International Ornithological Congress, Brazil and 5th International Galliformes Symposium, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Issue 3 (October 2010)

From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Co-chairs advisory board members

Strategic review of conservation research and action for all Galliformes species, Lowell Mills and Peter Garson

2010 IUCN Red List re-assesssments

G@llinformed letters and reports

Which are the priority species for conservation breeding?

Conservation Priorities for Mesoamerican Quail: revisiting the 2000-2004 Action Plan, Jack Clinton Eitniear

Event Report: Megapode Conference, Marc Argeloo and Didi Indrawan

G@llinformed news

New GSG logo, Ram Papish

GSG launches new website

New email address for Grouse News

Belize Quail studies – Radio transmitters needed!

New Ornithological Union in Nepal

US Department of Interior expands common-sense efforts to conserve Sage Grouse habitat in the West

Changes in "Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria" Version 8.0

Skeletons in the cupboard! Jim Bendell

New publications and articles

International Journal of Galliformes Conservation

New Book on Grouse

Books and Book Chapters

A review of the status, distribution and conservation of the western tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, Muhammad Naeem Awan

Remote sensing of forest understorey: Save your legs and lungs!

Some recent journal articles

Future events

5th International Galliformes Symposium in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World 2011

12th International Grouse Symposium, Japan, 2011

New logo – puzzle solution

Issue 4 (January 2011)

From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Co-chairs advisory board members

5th International Galliformes Symposium – Chiang Mai, Thailand

Abstract Book Cover

Symposium Program

Summing up, John P, Carroll

Feedback from the symposium, Muhammad Naeem Awan Azad

G@llinformed letters and reports

Irish grey partridge population hits new highs with a world record in the making? Conor O‘Gorman

DNA harvesting and analyses in Galliformes, Gernot Segelbacher

Re-introduction and re-enforcement as a conservation measure for grouse? Tobias Ludwig and Ilse Storch

Using GPS technology in bird studies, Marc Cremades, Lai Hui Min, Ng Soon Chye, and Geoffrey Davison

G@llinformed news

Maleo continues to be helped by AlTo

Currasow conservation conducted by Armonia

IUCN featured Species of the Day (December 29, 2010): Gunnison Sagegrouse

New publications and articles Books and Book Chapters Some recent journal articles

Future events

7th National Quail Symposium, call for papers

Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World

12th International Grouse Symposium

30th IUGB and 8th Perdix Congress

Issue 5 (July 2011)

From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Co-chairs advisory board members

G@llinformed letters and reports

Training and capacity-building for surveying Himalayan Galliformes in Pakistan, David Lee

Quick notes on the plain chachalaca Ortalis vetula, Geoffrey W. H. Davison

Experiences of satellite tags on rock ptarmigans, Eva Fuglei and Åshild Ønvik Pedersen

New publications and articles: Some recent journal articles

Upcoming events

The 12th International Grouse Symposium postponed 1 year, Hiroshi Nakamura

Reminder – 29th Prairie Grouse Technical Council (PGTC), Dave Dahlgren

First announcement - 6th European Conference Black Grouse Endangered Species, Jacob Höglund

Issue 6 (January 2012)

From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Co-chairs advisory board members

G@llinformed letters and reports

Conservation priority-setting in the Greater Himalaya and beyond, Jonathon C. Dunn

Pyrenean Network for the Mountain Pyrenean Galliformes – Gallipyr Project, Céline Claustre

New publications

G@llinformed news

New bird conservation fund welcomes applications

Some recent journal articles

Upcoming events

The 12th International Grouse Symposium postponed 1 year

Event Reports XXXth IUGB Congress and Perdix XIII, Francis Buner and Manel Puigcerver

Issue 7 (July 2012)

From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch

Co-chairs advisory board members

G@llinformed letters and reports

How to catch a green peafowl, Markus Handschuh

Use of motion detector cameras in quail release programs, Jack Clinton Eitniear

How populations of ring-necked pheasant Phasanius colchicus are adapted to the world’s coldest areas in Mongolia, Sundev Gombobaatar, Jamsran Munkh-Erdene, Buyantsog Bat-Ochir, and Edouard Jelen

Status and distribution of black francolin Francolinus francolinus and grey francolin F. pondicerianus in Lumbini farmlands Important Bird Area, Central Lowland, Nepal, Hem Baral

New publications

Upcoming events

Capacity Building for Conservation

The 12th International Grouse Symposium (IGS2012)
