Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies

Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters
Date of this Version
Document Type
G@llinformed: Newsletter of the IUCN-SSC/WPA Galliformes Specialist Group 8-13 (2014-2017)
Publication of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Galliformes Specialist Group
Issue 8 (April 2014)
From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch
Co-chairs advisory board members
G@llinformed letters and reports
The EAZA Cracid TAG: What about it? Cathy King
The EAZA Galliformes TAG update, Jan Dama
The last indigenous black-necked pheasant population of Europe, Christos Sokos and Periklis Birtsas
The ecological requirements of the spotted wood-quail Odontophorus guttatus in Noj K'a'ax Meen Elijio Panti National Park, Roni Martinez and Jack Clinton Eitniear
Honduran Ornithological Society-Ocellated Quail Conservation Project, Jack Clinton Eitniear
Venezuelan wood-quail: Request for information, Jack Clinton Eitniear
Hume’s pheasant in Nagaland, Lansothung Shitiri
Strategic conservation planning workshop for Edwards’s pheasant, Philip McGowan and Matthew Grainger
New publications
In brief: New European research project: Grouse and wind power, Joy Coppes
Lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) federally-listed as Threatened in the USA
Forthcoming events
Recent journal articles
Issue 9 (Jamuary 2015)
From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch
Co-chairs advisory board members
G@llinformed letters and reports
Himalayan quail: Is it still out there? Rahul Kaul
Edwards’s pheasant conservation activities in Vietnam during 2014, Le Trong Trai and Pham Tuan Anh
Footnote to VNEPWK report, Peter Garson
A note on Djibouti francolin, Houssein Rayaleh
Is there any hope for Cracids in North-eastern Brazil?Luís Fábio Silveira
Breeding the Great Curassow Crax rubra at the Belize Zoo, Jack Clinton Eitniear and Humberto Wohlers
New publications
Forthcoming events
Recent journal articles
Issue 10 (July 2015)
From the Co-chairs,Peter Garson and Ilse Storch
Co-chairs advisory board members
G@llinformed letters and reports
Community-based conservation in Tompotika: What's working to recover the Maleo? Marcy Summers
What is going on with the white-winged guan in Peru? Fernando Angulo and Fabiola Riva
Saving the Edwards's pheasant: Genetic assessment of the global captive population, Ludo Pinceel
Preliminaries on population status and distribution of the endangered Mount Cameroon Francolin, Pterrnistis camerunensis, Taku Awa II, Simon A. Tamungang, Essebi Marcel Ashute, and Lordon Champlain Djieto
Edwards’s pheasant Conservation Action Plan 2015-2020 with vision to 2030: One more step forwards in the species recovery, Le Trong Trai and Pham Tuan Anh
New publications
In brief
Edwards’s pheasant goes from Europe to Vietnam
The ecology and conservation of Tinamiformes and Neotropical Galliformes: contributions at Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Manaus, Brazil: July 19-24, 2015
Forthcoming events
Recent journal articles
Issue 11 (Jamusry 2016)
From the Co-chairs,Peter Garson and Ilse Storch
Co-chairs advisory board members
G@llinformed letters and reports
Survey and conservation of pheasants in western Arunachal Pradesh, India, Heerak Nandy, Anwaruddin Choudhury, S. S. Saha, and Ayan Bannerji
Current initiatives on research and conservation of the wattled curassow, Crax globulosa, in the Brazilian Central Amazon, Carolina Bertsch and Gabriel Augusto Leite
Updated records for cheer pheasant (Catreus wallichii) in Jammu and Kashmir, India, Riyaz Ahmad Wildlife Trust of India
Conservation action for western tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus as a “flagship species” in Jagran Valley, Kashmir Himalaya, Pakistan, Muhammad Naeem Awan
Recent Research on Bearded Wood-partridge Dendrortyx barbatus, Jack Clinton Eitniear
Effect of human disturbance on the estimated density of Chinese francolin (Francolinus pintadeanus) and red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) in the dry forest of southcentral Vietnam, Niti Sukumal, Saranpat Suwanrat, Tiwa Ong-in, Daphawan Khamcha, Vy Nguyen Tran, and Tommaso Savini
Blue-billed Curassow Conservation Workshop held in Colombia, Chris Holmes
New publications
In brief: First birth of the Extinct in the Wild Alagoas curassow in a zoo was reported on October 26, 2015 in the Parque Das Aves in Foz do Iquacu, Brazil
Forthcoming events
Recent journal articles
Issue 12 (August 2016)
From the Co-chairs, Peter Garson and Ilse Storch
A message from the Co-Chairs-Elect, John P. Carroll and Simon D. Dowell
Co-chairs advisory board members
G@llinformed letters and reports
Breeding ecology of the globally Endangered Sichuan partridge (Arborophila rufipectus), Yiqiang Fu, Bo Dai, Benping Chen, Simon D. Dowell, and Zhengwang Zhang
Annual meeting 2016 of Viet Nam Edwards’s Pheasant Working Group, Pham Tuan Anh
Endangered green peafowl are finding new hope in east Cambodian dry forest, Tommaso Savini
New publications
In brief
Eighteen New National Nature Reserves established in China
Consider publishing in Endangered Species Research
Funding opportunities – Terra Viva Grants directory
Forthcoming events
Recent journal articles
Issue 13 (March 2017)
From the Co-chairs, John P. Carroll Simon D. Dowell
G@llinformed letters and reports
The Galliformes Specialist Group and, John P. Carroll
Navigating, John P. Carroll
A novel approach to conservation planning for northern bobwhite, Theron M. Terhune
What is the future for the species-level taxonomy of Galliform birds? Robert Zink
A new predator for the globally Vulnerable cheer pheasant Catreus wallichii: the large-billed crow Corvus macrorhynchos, Hari Basnet and Ganga Shah
From the archives: Tragopan number 8, page s, Seminar in threatened Vietnamese lowland pheasants, Peter Grason
New publications
In brief: Population genetics and conservation of cracids (Aves: Galliformes) in Argentina, Carolina I. Miño
Recent journal articles
Copyright 2009-2012, IUCN-SSC Galliformes Specialist Group and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission