Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Newsletters

Date of this Version


Document Type



Tragopan: Newsletter of the WPA/Species Survival Commission/BirdLife Pheasant Specialist Group 16 (2002)

Alternate title: Tragopan: Newsletter of the WPA/BirdLife/Species Survival Commission Pheasant Specialist Group

Publication of the World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and the IUCN Species Survival Commission Pheasant Specialist Group


Copyright 2002, World Pheasant Association, BirdLife International, and the IUCN Species Survival Commission Pheasant Specialist Group and the authors of the respective items. Used by permission


Issue 16 (March 2002)

Editorial, Stuart Marsden

From the Chairman, Peter Garson

Cheer pheasant drawing, Dave Showler

Project roundup

News from PSG

Action Plan project review

Other news

Newly published

Research reports

Some notes on behaviour in golden pheasant Chrysolophus pictus, Liang Wei, Zheng Guangmei, Zhang Zhengwang, and Ding Changqing

Studies on habitat selection and home range of Reeves 's pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii using radiotracking techniques: Report on the progress of a WPA project, Zhang Zhengwang

Research on Sclater's monal in westem Yunnan, China: APA progress report, July to December 2001, Han Lianxian

The status and distribution of green peafowl Pavo muticus in southern Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia, Tan Setha and Pieh Bunnat

Old misidentified record of Himalayan monal Lophophorus impejanus from Adung Valley, Myanmar, Suresh Kumar

The status and degree of hybridisation of red junglefowl on three islands: A comment, Charlie Cornwallis

Report on radio tracking of western tragopan in the Great Himalayan National Park, India,K. Ramesh, S. Sathyakumar, and G. S. Rawat

Habitat associations of grey junglefowl in the Western Ghats: A PhD synopsis, C. Subramanium
