Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Date of this Version



Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 46 (June 1940), pp. 233-242.


The studies of the Squaw formation of the "Chugwater" series were conducted in the vicinity of Lander, Fremont County, Wyoming. Most of the observations were made at Derby Dome which is located in parts of T31N and T32N, R98W fifteen miles southeast of Lander. Others were made at Dallas Dome, nine miles southeast of Lander, and at Squaw Canyon, the type section, about four miles west of Lander. The region is one of moderately high, but not mountainous relief. The elevation at Lander is about 5350 feet, Derby Dome being somewhat less and Squaw Canyon somewhat more. Since it is situated on the flank and to the lee of a high mountain range, rainfall is scanty, and drainage mostly by intermittent streams.
