Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VOL. XXIX. June, 1895. No. 342, pp. 517-527.


Dr. Theodor Fuchs, criticises at considerable length the nature of Daemonelix as described by the author, in the University Studies, of the University of Nebraska, Vol. I, No. 4, July, 1892, under the title, 'Notes on a New Order of Gigantic Fossils.' When the criticism first appeared it seemed so fraught with errors that they were counted its own best rebuttal, and no attempt to frame a reply was thought of. However, the author has several times of late been reminded that these errors might pass muster and become fixed in the minds of those, at least, who place too implicit reliance in authority. Therefore in all justice to himself and to those who have been entirely misguided and misinformed the author thinks it better, perhaps, to correct certain errors and inaccuracies.
