Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Date of this Version



The Journal of Geology, Vol. 22, No. 8 (Nov. - Dec., 1914), pp. 807-810


Among the minor phenomena of the glacial drift in Nebraska there is one which, though rarely observed by the public, is of interest and should be commended to the attention of naturalists. The reference here is to certain large, well-defined masses or blocks of such materials as sand, gravel, and coarse pebbles, which occur imbedded in the drift clays along with glacial bowlders, and which presumably have been similarly transported and deposited. These masses or blocks vary widely in color, texture, and kind. They also vary from the glacial matrix in which they are found and are the more striking by virtue of contrast. They are not of frequent occurrence, but may occasionally be seen in fresh exposures especially in deep railroad cuts. Unfortunately they are quickly effaced by weathering and by growing vegetation. The most notable examples are found in the Milford cut-off of the Burlington Railroad, particularly at Pleasantdale. For a mile or so west of the station at Pleasantdale, especially on the right bank, fine examples occur in almost continuous succession.
