Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Date of this Version



Science, New Series, Vol. 16, No. 392 (Jul. 4, 1902), pp. 22-23


Reported to the Nebraska Academy of Science, January 25, 1902.


IN spite of the phenomenal heat of the summer of 1901, which was of such intensity and duration that active work in the field was finally suspended, enough progress was made to justify the presentation of the matter to this society. It should be reported, first of all, that a request for funds, amounting to twelve hundred dollars, for publishing the first reports of the state geological survey, was presented to the Legislature, and was passed April 1, 1901, without comment or dissent. This may be recorded as the first sum voted by the state for the examination and publication of its resources; and, though small, it is particularly large at this juncture, for it makes possible the initial work of the state survey. Unfortunately the passage of the bill, by the Legislature, was a little too late to enable us to avail ourselves of a long-standing offer from the U. S. Geological Survey to cooperate in doing geological work in Nebraska, as soon as the state evidenced its recognition of the importance of a geological survey by offering it material support.
