Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Date of this Version



Science, New Series, Vol. 24, No. 624 (Dec. 14, 1906), pp. 780-781


THE accompanying sketches represent the skull of a species of rhinoceros, Diceratherium arikarense, supposedly new, discovered by the geological expedition of 1905, sent from the University of Nebraska by the Hon. Charles H. Morrill to the Loup Fork beds at Agate, Nebraska, on the ranch of Mr. James Cook.

The genus Diceratherium was established by Marsh in 1875 on material from the Miocene beds near the John Day River in eastern Oregon, and two species, armatum and nanum, were recognized. A third species, advenum, was based on material from the Eocene (possibly Miocene) of Utah. Difference of horizon, and distance seem to warrant the specific name herein proposed. In comparing numerous individuals such variation was noted as to justify the belief that this group might legitimately enough be divided into several species.
