Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Science, New Series, Vol. 25, No. 628 (Jan. 11, 1907), pp. 73-74


THE MORRILL geological expedition of the University of Nebraska for the season of 1906 continued the work of the previous season by developing the bone quarry on University Hill, at Agate, Sioux County, Nebraska. This quarry is situated on the eastern extremity of Mr. James Cook's ranch, which is an extensive one, and probably the best known in the state. In addition to the uplands it contains some ten square miles along the valley of the Niobrara. The high bluffs adjacent to and beyond this model ranch are fossiliferous, while at Carnegie Hill and University Hill there are literal bone beds. The discovery of these beds was made some twenty years ago by Mr. James Cook. They were first visited by the Morrill geological expedition of 1892, when a considerable number of bones were collected, several of which have been figured in the 'University Studies,' January, 1897, plate 1, Figs. 5, 6, 7.

Pursuant to invitations from Mr. Cook, the Morrill geological expedition of 1905 spent that summer developing the bone quarry on University Hill. During the summers of 1905 and 1906 the members of the exploring party enjoyed all the privileges and hospitalities of this famous ranch. The members of the party for 1906 were: Harold J. Cook, Eck F. Schramm, Edwin Davis and Paul Butler, students in the University of Nebraska. As in former expeditions the writer was in charge
