Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [THIRD SERIES.] VOL. XXXVI, No. 214.--OCT., 1888, pp. 227-230 & Plate V.


THE following is a brief description of a young two-headed tortoise, Chrysemys picta, which is a remarkably interesting specimen from the very perfection of its imperfection. It was found in the marshes bordering West River in New Haven, Conn., by Master Leighton Foster, the first part of June, and from appearances had been hatched but two or three days. The single body, with the usual four legs and a tail, carries two equal, and in every respect, normal and well-developed heads and necks, which are throughout entirely free and distinct. The two heads see, hear, eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and move independently.
