Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
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Date of this Version
This Field Conference is scheduled for five days, July 31-August 3 (main excursion) and August 4 (post-conference excursion), 1961. Its purpose is to consider recent work and problems in stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology concerned with deposits ranging in age from Oligocene through Pleistocene, in western Nebraska. The Guide Book is the Ninth issued by sponsoring institutions for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (the others having been published in 1941, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1951, 1'953, 1956, and 1958). It thus commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the First Field Conference of the Society, as well as the 90th Anniversary of the establishment of the University of Nebraska State Museum (1871-1961). In addition to the discussion and itinerary provided by the authors, there is included a "Faunal List of the Oreodonts from Nebraska," by C. Bertrand Schultz and Charles H. Falkenbach. Lloyd G. Tanner provided a road-log check and assisted with other arrangements; Harold J. Cook and A. L. Lugn also aided with arrangements for the Field Conference.
SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF The University of Nebraska State Museum, Number 2, Pp. 1-55, Figs 1-47, Chart, Map, July 1961.