Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 2019, Volume 13 29-42

DOI: 10.2174/1874282301913010029


2019 Alsarraf et al.


Background: The mesoscale circulation over Kuwait is an important influence on changes in surface temperatures and soil temperatures.

Introduction: This paper presents two common summertime atmospheric features over Kuwait linking wind circulation to soil temperatures.

Methods: In this study, we use the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts ECMWF reanalysis ERA-Interim dataset to investigate effects of the synoptic scale and mesoscale circulations.

Results: The results show that a large-scale pressure gradient in summer typically leads to northerly winds over Kuwait, while a weak synoptic-scale pressure gradient leads to light easterly humid winds from the Persian Gulf, consistent with a mesoscale circulation.

Conclusions: The results demonstrate the significance of wind circulations in driving the Soil Temperature (SOILT). Using the Era-Interim/Land reanalysis dataset for August 2015 over Kuwait, the average SOILT on days of sea breeze is higher than the average SOILT on days dominated by a synoptic- scale pressure gradient.
