Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of


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Date of this Version



DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-21-0249.1


Used by permission.


A theoretical, numerical-modeling-based examination of the sensitivity of vortex sheets along airmass boundaries to the following three characteristics is presented: 1) boundary-normal component of the vertical wind shear, 2) boundary-parallel component of the vertical wind shear, and 3) temperature perturbation within the parent air mass of the boundary. The overall aim of this work is to advance understanding of the sensitivity of micro-α- tomeso-γ-scale vortex generation along airmass boundaries to the ambient environment. Density currents are simulated in a 2D domain that does not allow baroclinic generation of near-surface vertical vorticity (ζns) with parameterized latent heating for convection initiated at the associated airmass boundary and Coriolis turned on. Despite the absence of baroclinically generated ζns, with Coriolis turned on and without any boundary-parallel shear, ζns more than two orders of magnitude larger than planetary vorticity is generated along the boundary and located within the cold air. The magnitude of ζns is found to increase with increasing boundary-normal shear with statistically significant intra-experiment separations. Near-surface vertical vorticity ζns is found to scale inversely with boundary-parallel shear with a transition to negative leading-edge ζns in several of the larger boundary-normal shear simulations. An inverse and statistically significant relationship is found between ζns and the temperature perturbation within the parent air mass of the boundary (Δθ), and is a direct consequence of the dependence of boundary propagation speed on Δθ.
